lol. How many of the people posting in this thread have a clue about how to fly an airplane?
I've flown a Piper Tomahawk...I figure it's about the same as an Airbus A330...just a little bit smaller right? Stalling a plane isn't exactly rocket science...if your pulled all the way back and going practically straight up...your losing airspeed quickly.
I've flown several simulators and planes, a Piper Cub, Cessna 152, and Piper Cherokee, my favorite. It took < 3 minutes in the first simulator to induce stall, and this concept is the same to correct on everything, except an F22. They won't let me fly that, and I never stalled a "real" plane, but I've definitely climbed fast enough to set off a stall warning, and it scared the crap out of me, but was very intuitive to correct.
I've always regretted not getting my license.
sigpic18 F150 Supercrew - daily
17 F150 Supercrew - totaled Dec 12, 2018
13 DIB Premium GT, M6, Track Pack, Glass Roof, Nav, Recaros - Sold
86 SVO - Sold
'03 F150 Supercrew - Sold
01 TJ - new toy - Sold
65 F100 (460 + C6) - Sold
Pretty intense read. I was almost as pissed at the captain for leaving to take nap in the middle of a shit weather situation as I was at Bonin for being an absolute pig-headed moron.
I thought the exact same thing. This (among many other things) should be changed as well.
Why the pilot was continuously pulling up is a mystery to me as well from my perspective. I'd get it if there was panic, or for a little while - but non-stop? I don't know. RIP to all, to include the pilot who had bad judgement/lack of experience.
Originally posted by MR EDD
U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.
This is how they gain experience, obviously he didn't think things would go to shit like that.
They gain experience by being left on their own without assistance when needed? Retarded. This isn't two day laborers building a deck. The Captain is the one who is in charge of the aircraft and responsible for all actions performed during flight. He is the one at fault for the crash and he is the one who should be brought back to life only to be killed off again.
lolololol... come on guys. its not like they selected 2 volunteers out of a crowd to go fly a plane. These guys had years and years of training up to this point, and the Captain should not have had any reason to be concerned. Obviously Bonin fell through the cracks at flight school and all the checkflights/tests/etc, and its too bad. Shows what happens when you trust a....
That's not my point. I understand they were qualified to fly in most situations, however it was the Captain's mistake for not making himself available when the two co-pilots called for him.
They gain experience by being left on their own without assistance when needed? Retarded. This isn't two day laborers building a deck. The Captain is the one who is in charge of the aircraft and responsible for all actions performed during flight. He is the one at fault for the crash and he is the one who should be brought back to life only to be killed off again.
That's not my point. I understand they were qualified to fly in most situations, however it was the Captain's mistake for not making himself available when the two co-pilots called for him.
Not being a pilot you won't understand his reasoning. The plane is almost fully automated, he could have left two monkeys up there and there was a 90% chance they would have made it there a-ok. There's tons of crashes just from the fact a subordinate didn't want to question a senior persons decision . It's dumb as shit that they didn't know what stall meant. International language of aviation is english and they don't know what stall means?
You still don't understand. Because the Captain did not make himself available when called upon, it's his fault. If the Captain showed when initially called this would have never happened.
They gain experience by being left on their own without assistance when needed? Retarded. This isn't two day laborers building a deck. The Captain is the one who is in charge of the aircraft and responsible for all actions performed during flight. He is the one at fault for the crash and he is the one who should be brought back to life only to be killed off again.
I agree with this.
After reading it, it almost seems as if flight school is as easy to get in to as Choo Choo University.
No disrespect to the pilots, and GE, the knowitallofeverything.
Originally posted by BradM
But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
You still don't understand. Because the Captain did not make himself available when called upon, it's his fault. If the Captain showed when initially called this would have never happened.
in the transcript it said he didn't even know what was going on at first. It doesn't matter if he was in the seat or not in the seat technically its his fault. I get what you're saying but I imagine what he did was not a irregular occurrence.
After reading it, it almost seems as if flight school is as easy to get in to as Choo Choo University.
No disrespect to the pilots, and GE, the knowitallofeverything.
you could teach a monkey to manipulate the controls, its hard to teach some one to be a "pilot" though. Some people just dont have the decision making skills for it.
Yah I didn't think they would cruise that slow with out full flaps, I imagine they don't down faster than that haha.
everybody says their is no way they would ever become disoriented, i've had guys take me up in clouds turn me over and i had no fucking clue what direction we were pointed. In a big yacht like that thing with fly by wire controls there must be 0 feedback to let them know they are literally falling out of the air.
everybody says their is no way they would ever become disoriented, i've had guys take me up in clouds turn me over and i had no fucking clue what direction we were pointed. In a big yacht like that thing with fly by wire controls there must be 0 feedback to let them know they are literally falling out of the air.
Yah when you get the bends and all sorts of shit when you lose reference to the horizon. Seeing as his airspeed indicator has the only malfunctioning instrument its weird he'd get a steady climb going.That thing is loaded up with instruments and he could have easily gone off ground speed indicator on the gps. Just freaking out is all would be my guess. Either way could you imagine descending that fast and seeing the ground coming up at you......... then splat.....