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Usps is a bunch of lazy M***** F*****s!

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  • #31
    You know what else I can stand about the USPS. When you go up there to get your package and you have the random old guy who still thinks it's cool to have a huge porn star gold chain and a hoop ear ring. Then he chooses to take FOREVER to go behind the wall to get every package.


    • #32
      I can't complain. Our mail lady is awesome. If she sees me out she will drive up and hand the mail to me or the kids and give the dog a treat.


      • #33
        Holy Shit, it is like Deja-fucking-Vu!
        I had to call the Post Office this morning and bitch at them for the exact same thing. We always get the sorry we missed you cards in our box, but is usually for IRS shit that I am not in a hurry to get anyway. I sign it and put it back in there and they deliver the next day. This morning I get an email for Amazon that USPS attempted to deliver two times and my order was waiting for me at the Post Office. My wife is a stay at home mom so I know damn good and well that no attempt was made, the lazy bitch just does not want to get her fat, old ass out of the Jeep!!!!


        • #34
          I have more USPS horror stories than anyone would care to take the time to read. My current situation is that I shipped an iPhone 4 to my mother-in-law in China on Oct. 25 and it still hasn't reached the destination. Anticipating this I bought insurance. They didt tell me that the had to launch a full scale investigation to get me my insurance claim. So, right now China has 60 days to find it, and the USPS has 60 days to find it simultaneously to find it, or I get my $650 insurance check. The worst part is that it was probably taken from a USPS sort facility in OKC because that's the last place it was scanned, and there are no direct flights (including airmail) from OKC to anywhere in China. Fucking bastards.


          • #35


            • #36
              Never had a problem with USPS carrier or UPS or FedEx for that matter. The only carrier I had regular problems with was DHL whenever I ordered stuff from Dell. Don't believe they are using them anymore thankfully.


              • #37
                Originally posted by bitter jose View Post
                Never had a problem with USPS carrier or UPS or FedEx for that matter. The only carrier I had regular problems with was DHL whenever I ordered stuff from Dell. Don't believe they are using them anymore thankfully.
                They are not. They have switched to UPS I Believe. I had a DHL guy steal a laptop from me en route. He tried to say it was delivered. Luckily he had a track record...

