Ok whitetrash. You are prolly much over 2x my age and have a job that is a slight step above what I do, sad. Second, why can't you EVER think of a different response, you use the someone for me, and the same one for mike, it's really cool
Why am i talking shit to a virgin high school kid?
Understood, but when you were 15, did you mouth of to a group of adults like this kid?
I did but I was a degenerate with no guidance what so ever. I have no problems admitting that and thinking back Im seriously embarassed of myself. Thats how alot of kids are these days, especially when you hand them a computer. They think they can hide behind that screen and be as disrespectful as possible. I teach my kids to treat people online like they would face to face with me standing behind them. Thats a rarity these days though.