She's struggled with a moderate income, and supporting 3 boys. And she unselfishly took in her sister, brother in law, and 5 year old niece this year because they lost everything due to a condemned apartment in Alaska. The 5 yr old niece gave up EVERYTHING and moved to Texas with her parents! The 3 of them moved down to Texas with NOTHING! I'm sure you guys know the story from other threads

So I'd like to give this gift of some presents to Kim(MutherjuggZ) and her family! I know I said the 17th was a cut off date, but with the amount of requests I've gotten for Kim, I think it's pretty much a "no-brainer"! I don't think there's a person on this board that doesn't know her, and I bet she's helped over half of this board in one way or another.
Now, the reason I'm bringing this up early is I need YOUR help! The 5 year old niece is the main reason we're giving this gift to Kim's family, so I want to make sure she's taken care of. But Santa can't show up to their house and only give presents to one out of 4 kids. And $250 won't go too far on 4 kids. So I'd like to ask for some assistance from you guys, if you can help. I DO NOT WANT YOUR MONEY! Please take a look at the list below, and if you have something your child doesn't play with anymore, and you'd like to donate it, please let me know. I will come pick it up from your house so you're not inconvenienced in any way. I just know that $250 won't buy much for 3 boys and 1 girl

This is the list that Kim gave me. We had the kids write a letter to Santa so we'd know what they wanted!
Boy-Age 11-6th Grade:
Xbox 360-Of course

Cool TV------------I have this!
DVD Player--------motoman
MP3 Player
Books about WW I/WW II/ American War/Indian War/Vietnam War, etc...
Brain Teasers/Puzzles
Boy-Age 9-3rd Grade:
Huge Remote Control Dinosaur
Books on How to Draw Dinosaurs
MP3 Player
Swing Set--------Possibly have this!!!!!
Games From Game Stop-Not sure what platform he has-I'll check and add this later
Camping Tent
Boy-Age 7-1st Grade:
Punching Bag
Kick Boxing Bag
Boxing Gloves
Nun Chucks
Baseball Bat/Glove/and Ball
Pogo Stick
Swing Set-------Possibly have this!!!!!
Jump Rope
Girl-Age 5-Kindergarten
Barbie Dream House
Barbie Car for Barbie
Barbie Dolls and LOTS OF DRESSES!
ONE Ken Doll-LOL! She was very specific! LMAO!
Motorized Barbie Car For Her to Drive
Barbie Movies
Dora Pajamas
Dora Slippers
Once again, I DO NOT WANT YOUR MONEY! I'm only asking that if you have anything you think these kids would want, even if it's not on the list! And your child doesn't play with anymore, please PM me and let me know. I will come by and pick them up from you. I'm upping the amount from $250 to $350 so I'll have enough to buy for four kids. I also have a 19" Flat Screen TV that I'm donating to the oldest boy. My neighbor has a swing set that they don't use anymore, but it's one that is dug into the ground. So I may ask for help getting it out of their yard and set up in Kim's yard. Really not sure how I'm gonna do this

Please let me know if you can help!