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To vacation in Maui or to not vacation in Maui?

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  • To vacation in Maui or to not vacation in Maui?

    So the in-laws want to plan a trip to Maui for next fall. Cool. We've been there before and it was the best vacation ever. Even cooler, I've got enough miles to take my mom, who hasn't been able to afford a decent vacation in 20 years and has never been to Hawaii. Even coolerer, the father in law rarely lets me pay for anything. Ultimate win, right?

    Things are a little different this time around, though. We'll be bringing a two year old. Two things concern me and the wife. Eight hours on a plane with a two year old and the toll the time difference would take on him.

    We're all open for a similar vacation to someplace that will be warm, laid back, beachy, family friendly, and without the crazy long plane ride, but we have no clue where to go. Any ideas?

  • #2
    maybe someplace in Irving or Garland?

    god bless.
    It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men -Frederick Douglass


    • #3
      I just got back from Maui a couple weeks ago. There weren't many kids on the way there but our return flight was filled with children. Some slept the whole time. The kid behind me was crying and kicking my seat the whole time. Results may vary.


      • #4

        ~3hr flight, direct DFW to SJD.

        But there's the whole passport issue... and the fact that it's Mexico lol


        • #5
          Unless your mom is willing to pull some Grandma duty while you are there, Maui + 2 year old = Waste of time and cash

          Look for somewhere closer (Florida) and save the cash until you and the wifey can go it alone.


          • #6
            Regardless of the child thing.

            Mama's Fish House is a must if you decide to go. I love it there and just keep them entertained and they should be fine!


            • #7
              Originally posted by ELVIS View Post
              maybe someplace in Irving or Garland?

              god bless.
              As much "scenery" as Irving has to offer here, I'd prolly choose Maui and save Irving for a special occasion.


              • #8
                I'll be honest, I would never attempt that with a two year old, that would be crazy.
                Originally posted by racrguy
                What's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?
                Originally posted by racrguy
                Voting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Strychnine View Post

                  ~3hr flight, direct DFW to SJD.

                  But there's the whole passport issue... and the fact that it's Mexico lol
                  Yeah, Mexico is out of the question and I kind of hate that because I really enjoyed our trip to Playa. I just don't trust going there anymore.
                  I thought of the passport issue last night, but forgot to bring it up in the original post. I haven't looked in to getting a passport for a child, but I don't think it would be a huge deal if we found the right reason to get one.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Broncojohnny View Post
                    I'll be honest, I would never attempt that with a two year old, that would be crazy.
                    That was my first response and I caught some decent shit over it. I even offered to stay home with the kiddo while everyone else went. I still have my reservations about the whole deal and think the rest of the family is starting to see the light as well. That's the whole reason for this. I need to find something similar, and much easier logistically, that we can all agree on.


                    • #11
                      Just give him a little Dramamine and he will be fine. When I originally got stationed in Naples I made the trip with an 18 month old. After it was all said and done it took about 28 hours. 8 hours is nothing.
                      I agree that if your mom doesn't want to pull some grandma duty while shes there it's going to be a let down for you and your wife.
                      Check out this place. We are going next year.


                      • #12
                        1st world problems, LOL

                        Seriously though I would probably try and do something else if I had to take a two year old. Some kids are different though I have seen some kids who are alright at that age and some that I wish had a mute button, it all depends on your child and the level of smack you are willing to lay down.
                        Originally posted by Nash B.
                        Damn, man. Sorry to hear that. If it'll cheer you up, Geor swallows. And even if it doesn't cheer you up, it cheers him up.


                        • #13
                          BP recommends the Gulf Coast.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by BadCompanyVPWS6 View Post
                            Mama's Fish House is a must if you decide to go.
                            This. It's easy to drop $200+ on dinner for two with an appetizer and a couple drinks but worth it. Nothing to a DFWballer right?


                            • #15
                              With a 2 year old in tow, that sounds like a good formula for fucking up an expensive vacation.

                              You know your kid better than us, but at that age (and really, still at almost 6yo) my kid is defined by her schedule, and deviation from it can completely sabotage whatever else is going on. IMO, there will be time for Maui trips, and when you have a toddler, that ain't the time.

