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To kill a rat

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  • #31
    Print some of these up for practice.


    • #32
      Originally posted by talisman View Post
      My old condo I had a rat chewing through my pantry wall from the attic. Put traps in the attic, couldn't get him. Could hear him all the damn time and my border collie was getting irritated. One day I'm watching TV and hear him chewing on my damn wall again(at this point he'd already made a small hole in it), so I go outside to my tool box. Open the pantry and that fuckers nose is right there gnawing through my wall, but oblivious to me opening the cabinet door because he hasn't made it far enough in. I take the can of Brake Cleaner with the long red straw plugged in and put it about an inch from his nose and unleash the dogs of hell on him. He vanished in a millisecond and I never had another problem.
      Traps only typically work if you bait them with whatever they are eating in your house. Typically dog/cat food is the culprit.
      Tera 4:1 + 4.88's = Slowest rig on here


      • #33
        CJ, you should video your "hunt" tonight and post it. Would be very entertaining.


        • #34
          get a rat trap, set it, bait it, and sprinkle flour on it to kill your scent


          • #35


            • #36
              Originally posted by Saleen781 View Post
              CJ, you should video your "hunt" tonight and post it. Would be very entertaining.
              Try to do a Steve Irwin voice while filming...that sheet would be great
              Originally posted by Sean88gt
              You can take white off the list. White on anything is the best, including vehicles, women, and the Presidency.
              Originally posted by Baron Von Crowder
              You can not imagine how difficult it is to hold a half gallon of moo juice and polish the one-eyed gopher when your doin' seventy-five in an eighteen-wheeler.


              • #37
                My bassett hound swallowed one of those field mice that crawled under the wood pile in the backyard fucking whole while it's tail was still moving. I swear that damn dog is part snake somehow....


                • #38
                  my old mutt Angel (ex-wife named her) was getting old, and had lost most of her teeth but still managed to kill 3 field rats in the backyard. No idea how, she could barely chew her dog food. that dog was a little bad ass. When the neighbors fence blew down in a storm she took off, never to be seen again.

                  inline with CJ's post, I found the same kind of rats living in my garage once, the next day I went out there with a single brake pellet rifle and a CO2 repeater BB pistol, and rained fire on there ass's. killed 1 with the BB gun, and the other 2 with the riffle. Those hollow tipped pellets sure do make a mess.


                  • #39
                    I don't like killing. Not to say I haven't cracked the whip on a mosquito or maybe some fire ants (ortho) but yeah, generally it's not my greatest asset. If you want to catch it get a piece of cheese, bread etc.. Get a five gallon bucket like the ones from home depot, and put it somewhere you've seen the rat. The rat will climb in after the food but won't be able to get out after it's in the bucket. Clean, safe, humane. It's a lot better than splattering rat all over your walls or having to dispose of a decomposing body a few weeks later.

                    After, you could always put it to good use. Try throwing it in a friends car the morning before he/she has to go to work. A neighbors mailbox would be pretty neat, or you could take it to the animal shelter.


                    • #40
                      This thread is fucking hilarious. Good luck with however you decide to go about things. If you wanna go "real man" though, you have to kill it with a knife, or like you said, bare hands. In all honesty though, if you can get it with your bare hands. Stick it in a cage or aquarium and make it your bitch. If it's given you this much trouble, it deserves your respect.
                      "Any dog under 50lbs is a cat and cats are pointless." - Ron Swanson


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by tito View Post
                        I don't like killing. Not to say I haven't cracked the whip on a mosquito or maybe some fire ants (ortho) but yeah, generally it's not my greatest asset. If you want to catch it get a piece of cheese, bread etc.. Get a five gallon bucket like the ones from home depot, and put it somewhere you've seen the rat. The rat will climb in after the food but won't be able to get out after it's in the bucket. Clean, safe, humane. It's a lot better than splattering rat all over your walls or having to dispose of a decomposing body a few weeks later.

                        After, you could always put it to good use. Try throwing it in a friends car the morning before he/she has to go to work. A neighbors mailbox would be pretty neat, or you could take it to the animal shelter.

                        From California? If I caught a rat that way I would go with the season so to speak. I would nail that little fucker to a cross and let his squeals and carcass be a warning to any other vermin wanting to invade.


                        • #42
                          get a 5 gallon bucket, some boxes stacked up next to it with peanut butter leading up to the bucket. He will climb the boxes and fall into the bucket then......................


                          • #43
                            CJ why not use one of those glue traps... And then feed it from that point on, but have it never move again... or make it die from starvation. A POW never gets mercy!
                            First hand witness at the failure of public healthcare.

