Someone have a problem with a Texas flag? Leah, was this you because I was being an ass this weekend? I haven't been sober in 3 days. Give a cracker a break for having a rough weekend.
I made a smiley replace :/ and that messed up the http:// part of the sigs
Part of the fun of being an Admin. One time on April fools day I reset everyone's post count to 0 for the day. People got bend out shape. Well over a thousand members. However, you can run a query in Update counters that will restore the post count matching each post in the database as long as the database is not corrupt. I thought it was funny, some didn't.
Part of the fun of being an Admin. One time on April fools day I reset everyone's post count to 0 for the day. People got bend out shape. Well over a thousand members. However, you can run a query in Update counters that will restore the post count matching each post in the database as long as the database is not corrupt. I thought it was funny, some didn't.
Yeah that wouldn't work well here since our db numbers don't match the "transferred" post count
Someone have a problem with a Texas flag? Leah, was this you because I was being an ass this weekend? I haven't been sober in 3 days. Give a cracker a break for having a rough weekend.
Damn, you people are just WAITING for me to fuck up, huh? Betcha feel like a douche now!!!111!11!
Token Split Tail
Originally posted by slow99 favorite female poster strikes again.
Originally posted by Pokulski-Blatz
You are a moron .... you were fucking with the most powerful vagina on DFW(MU)stangs.