I'm in hangar 5
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american airlines is bankrupt
Hahaha, fuck AA. Like mentioned earlier, too bad they aren't going out of business.Vortex rear stand $75
8.8 410s. $50
My goal in life is to not arrive at the grave in a well preserved body.
but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "holy shit!!!.. what a ride!"
1990 Foxbody GT for that ass
114 door
13 FX2 White 5.0
Originally posted by Rotortrash View PostIf it sucks so bad, the people bitching about it should go find a new job.
It really pisses me off the folks that work for the Airlines think that they are owed somthing. Guys walking around doing nothing drawing $50-60K a year or more from a company thats going bust, all the while bitching that they're under paid. Every job I've ever had retirement was my responsibility, not the company's. As far as pay, yeah, I want more. Don't we all? I knew what the pay was in my career field before I got in. If you want more money, choose a different career field. Do I agree with managment getting bonuses? No, but thats the way its been since the airline began, its not going to change. The union managment makes big bucks too, guess where that money comes from? I don't hear anyone bitching about union managment pay.
If folks are paid to do a job, they should shut up and do it. If they're not happy at their job, they should go find a new one. If they want more money, they should change to a higher paying profession, or start their own business.
Sorry, I'll get off my soap box now.
Was involved with AA for a couple of years in the mid 90's. Mechanics taking 2-3 hour naps on first & second shift. Third shift was a joke. Buzzer would go off about an hour before shift end. You'd see guys stumbling out of hiding places, to "finish up" the nights work. Some vendors were "in" because of kick backs. Install a "reman" unit & have it fail on the rack. Vendor charges 'em to fix a fresh reman. Remember an incident in Miami, guys got caught stealing AA vehicles. Found one in the AA employee's back yard. Suspended for 6 months. Union fights & get's 'em their job back.... WITH BACK PAY! Wonder why they're fucked??
Originally posted by 2011GT View PostWalking around doing nothing? May I ask what you do and your rate of pay. Do you feel like you are being paid less then you should be for the amount of work and responsibility? Do you constantly perform work that the quality of craftsmanship is held to an extreme standard to keep 1000's of people safe per day? Did you know if I don't perform maintenance to the T of the maintenance manual ONE time I could possibly have my license pulled and never be able to touch a plane again? Did you know if I ever fuck up and a passenger is hurt or killed I can serve life in prison? Guess what? Also I only made 40k last year, before taxes with about 150 hours of ot.
I'm an airplane/ helicopter mechanic, and pilot. I've held my A&P for about 20 years, and been an IA for about 17. So, as you see, we are in the same career field. I even worked for Delta for a while before 9/11, so I have seen with my own eyes what goes on on the hanger floor of an airline.
You knew going in what the responsibility of your chosen profession was. I bet you researched the pay range in this field, and yet you still chose to pursue a career in aircraft maintenance. And now here you are, griping about the lack of pay and overwhelming resopnsibility in a career field YOU chose. The pay range and responsibility levels have not changed since the inception of the FAA, so these are NOT new developments.
I will say it again; If you don't feel like your pay is in line with the level of responsibility you carry, find a new job, or a different line of work. Please do not gripe about the company you work for. If you feel a different company has better pay and benefits, by all means, go work for them.
In short, I am agreeing with what you are saying,for the most part. I am merely saying its up to YOU to fix the situation, NOT the company you work for.
EDIT: As far as serving life in prison for Fing up, it won't happen. You would have to basically sabatage the aircraft, and then it would have to be proven that it was more than just a mistake. You do have to live with it if somthing you worked on crashes and people are killed. Losing your license is not even likely, but it is possible. You WILL get a rectal exam by the FAA though, and we won't even discuss what the Plantiff's Laywers will do to you.Last edited by Rotortrash; 11-29-2011, 01:10 PM.
A lot of which has hammered airlines was the rising cost of everything and people not wanting to pay increased fares. That's where the fee's started coming in, jet A and 110ll have went up tons over the last few years. I mean AA just bk'd like what a decade ago? its apparent they can't run a business. They should just go under and call it a day.
Originally posted by GrayStangGT View PostLast time I flew AA I was 5 hours late getting to my destination and it wasn't because of weather. So I don't feel bad for them, but I do hope for their employees sake they figure this out and emerge a more efficient and profitable company.
Originally posted by onemeangixxer7502 View PostThere's a lot to why flights get delayed, majority of the time its out of the crews hands and due to something else. You think the crew wants to sit an extra 5 hrs? ALso the large number of full flights you've been on make up for the losers where its not even 1/2 full. Thats the thing with 119/121
Originally posted by Rotortrash View PostIf it sucks so bad, the people bitching about it should go find a new job.
It really pisses me off the folks that work for the Airlines think that they are owed somthing. Guys walking around doing nothing drawing $50-60K a year or more from a company thats going bust, all the while bitching that they're under paid. Every job I've ever had retirement was my responsibility, not the company's. As far as pay, yeah, I want more. Don't we all? I knew what the pay was in my career field before I got in. If you want more money, choose a different career field. Do I agree with managment getting bonuses? No, but thats the way its been since the airline began, its not going to change. The union managment makes big bucks too, guess where that money comes from? I don't hear anyone bitching about union managment pay.
If folks are paid to do a job, they should shut up and do it. If they're not happy at their job, they should go find a new one. If they want more money, they should change to a higher paying profession, or start their own business.
Sorry, I'll get off my soap box now.