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Are you self employed? What are you doing for insurance?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by DON SVO View Post
    Jesus Christ what kind of insurance won't cover a major surgery like a collectomy?!
    it does cover it (well most of it), i the case of mine, my daughter had just had her 4th surgery , which the insurance didnt cover the 30k for the surgeon (even though they agreed to cover him)(note: 1 of 3 surgeons at the time to do this specifice surgery in the country , so it was out of state), and they only covered somewhere around 80%of the hospital, and in california it was way,way out of the "normal" so they only cover "normal" it was actually cheaper for me to pay for it out of pocket than to use the insurance, as i went to florida to have my j-pouch procedure done by a specific doctor


    • #32
      Originally posted by mustangguy289 View Post
      Are you saying it would have cost YOU $120k out of pocket for the surgery or that's what they bill the insurance?

      They always bill the insurance higher and the insurance jews them down. If the insurance refuses to pay you can than settle for the non-insurance price after the insurance denies.

      You can also call your insurance before hand and verify if it is covered or have the doctor/hospital verify for you. Settling at 50k before doing any of this when having insurance was not a smart move.
      i wish what you said were true, but it doesnt always work out the way you have written, i have written proof from the insurance, and i went through ever channel you can think of including the board of insurance, in a nut shell it didnt matter what was written or they had agreed to...i fought this for years, not my first rodeo, so if you know someone you send me a pm, attorneys did no good either..just cost money for zero results


      • #33
        Originally posted by zemog View Post
        my wife drives a school bus for the insurance, plus shes bored staying at home with the kids now grown
        That's how I roll. Doesn't pay a lot but it'll be a second retirement and the insurance is great at a cheap price. I drive a couple of hours in the am and a couple in the pm. In between, I harvest timber and run my little sawmill.

