If you have an ebay account... you can make a free fake local car ad with that vin. Within 30 seconds of the ad being place you can get a free auto check (like car fax). Save it to your computer and delete the ebay ad.
Maybe they stopped providing it. I never got one sent to me and couldn't find anything on my listing. Looking through a few other listings I didn't see theirs either. Either too many people did it or I'm too dumb!
Right under the pictures are 3 tabs : description, Free History Report, payment.
Click the 2nd tab and you will have the history report. They will not send it to you.
Hope that helps. Sometimes it takes a few minutes for the report to come up and you have to refresh the browser if it doesn't come up right away when listing it. Also make sure you are listing it under ebay motors. cars and trucks