I don't leave anything in my vehicle, let alone anything in plain view.
You could have an empty laptop case in your car and it would get you broken into because the thief has no idea if there is a $3k laptop or nothing at all.
That's me too. I won't even bother upgrading stereo stuff in a vehicle anymore for the same reason.
With all the threads in recent past about the thieving I am still surprised to see people posting stuff they left in their cars got stolen.
Never said it was his fault you idiot, but leave your laptop or your iphone in the front seat of your car and go inside a store and see what happens..
and thieves suck!
It was in the floor board covered up with trash for the most part, not even sure how they saw it, they probably just assumed something was in there and got lucky. Whatever. Waiting on the police report then I have an 1100 deductible on my homeowner's insurance. Need to make a list of everything I had with values of the items. 500 deductible for the window, even though it'll be 400 to fix. Probably getting rid of state farm after this, need to hit up Kim.
It was in the floor board covered up with trash for the most part, not even sure how they saw it, they probably just assumed something was in there and got lucky. Whatever. Waiting on the police report then I have an 1100 deductible on my homeowner's insurance. Need to make a list of everything I had with values of the items. 500 deductible for the window, even though it'll be 400 to fix. Probably getting rid of state farm after this, need to hit up Kim.
Don't forget about the $3000 set of golf clubs that was in there.