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I am concerned.

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  • I am concerned.

    Move this to the political forum if you will.

    There seems to be alot less people that value this country like I do. What has to happen to fix it? If you want a good life, you earn it.

  • #2
    Saw this on the way home from work. It happens to be at an abandoned bank across the street from the Arlington Fox?n?Hound we gather at regularly. It got me thinking about the state of the union, civil disobedience, anarchy, and the failures of every form of government we as men have created to control the


    • #3
      It's still relavant, and very much a concern.

      How do we fix it? Can we?


      • #4
        Originally posted by Big A View Post
        It's still relavant, and very much a concern.

        How do we fix it? Can we?

        Before we burned the Canadian site to the ground, I had the following in my location: "To create a better civilization you must first destroy the old one."

        There isn't any fixing it. Burn it down and start from scratch.


        • #5
          Originally posted by talisman View Post
          [I may be a dick, but I am concerned about humans as a species. I’d like to eventually leave this world in a little bit better shape than I found it in./]
          You are most certainly a dick, but you have every right to be concerned. Humans will ruin this planet.

          Take a trip to Yosemite. It makes my heart hurt.


          • #6
            One only guy running for office has the record for being almost spot-on with the economy, the wars, and the US dollar/currency. I'd be willing to bet that he has a pretty decent idea on how to fix it. Or we could vote in someone with great hair or another slick talking shyster with good one-liners...


            • #7
              People have to lose what they have before they appreciate what they had.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Big A View Post
                Move this to the political forum if you will.

                There seems to be alot less people that value this country like I do. What has to happen to fix it? If you want a good life, you earn it.
                People care about Dancing with the Stars, American Idol, etc. not the future of our country.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by SMKR View Post
                  People care about Dancing with the Stars, American Idol, etc. not the future of our country.
                  Yep the other day there were half a dozen American's blown up in Afghanistan yet most of the news articles were about the kardashians or justin bieber... We are truly fucked if we don't pull our heads out of our ass and make some tough decisions in the next few years.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by SMKR View Post
                    People care about Dancing with the Stars, American Idol, etc. not the future of our country.
                    Originally posted by jw33 View Post
                    Yep the other day there were half a dozen American's blown up in Afghanistan yet most of the news articles were about the kardashians or justin bieber... We are truly fucked if we don't pull our heads out of our ass and make some tough decisions in the next few years.
                    This is exactly what I'm talking about. Beiber won't fix shit. That's what "we" want to see. How do we fix it? That's an open-ended question, I haven't a clue...


                    • #11
                      Only way we truly fix it is a massive catastrophic attack of some sort. It has to be something that wakes America the fuck up that would make 911 look like a birthday party.


                      • #12
                        To some extent, the media tells 'us' what's important, what we should care about.

                        Look at our recent history, how things changed as the television became popular...

                        And honestly, is there any way to fix it besides overthrowing the government? You can't honestly say that we can vote to change it - the politicians are looking out for the elite and are influenced by lobbyists to the point that they can't see straight. It's going to take something big, and not an isolated attack (anyone remember 9/11 - what did that change?), to fix America.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by TX_92_Notch View Post
                          To some extent, the media tells 'us' what's important, what we should care about.

                          Look at our recent history, how things changed as the television became popular...

                          And honestly, is there any way to fix it besides overthrowing the government? You can't honestly say that we can vote to change it - the politicians are looking out for the elite and are influenced by lobbyists to the point that they can't see straight. It's going to take something big, and not an attack (anyone remember 9/11 - what did that change?), to fix America.
                          I wish that you were wrong.


                          • #14
                            People either aren't concerned or they're concerned but have no solution, solutions that would either prove to have catostrophic consequences, or solutions that are inherently against the American political ideal.

                            It's a cynical viewpoint, but I don't think there's much to be done in stopping or redirecting this train. I'm going to game the system as well as I can and do my best enrich my own life and the lives of those around me within the confines of what I'm dealt and what I can change.

                            The good news is that we'll all kick it sooner or later and won't have to deal with any of this.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Big A View Post
                              I wish that you were wrong.
                              i wish so too. watch the zeitgeist series of movies and you'll see how screwed the whole system is. especially if you watch zeitgeist: addendum and zeitgeist: moving forward.

                              people are so self centered and self serving there is no way in hell the citizens of this country will ever do anything about the corruption. they are in denial because it is easier to look away then do something about it. they just want to be entertained.

