Go to the Canada site! Your kind are not welcomed here.
We have a new site super hero. Someone asks for help and they get you. I feel sorry for the people in your life and the shit they must have to listen to. You sir are the asshat of this thread. Go fuck yourself next time you need help.
Can I please get a car fax? I'm using my cell phone and can't find the free one that was posted.
Go fuck yourself next time you help fuck tard. God damned idiots trying to be interweb super heroes. I hope you need something from me one day....it won't be good. Everyone gave you a hard time, now it's your turn ("Help, my phone no worky! Someone please help me. I suck at life")??? This is the point where you apologize for looking like a fucking tool to strokn88lx or just go back to the Canadian site.