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Official deer hunting thread

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  • Picked up some amo and last minute stuff before I head out Wednesday morning. Uncle let me borrow his 30-30 and wife's step dad let me use his 30-06 with a very nice scope. Awesome that you have family that will let you borrow their gear. I plan on buying my stuff some time next year.


    • I have always used my dad's stuff. Hell even at the deer lease he has an old motor home that we sleep in. I use one of his many rifles. I do have my own pistol that I bought long ago (little ruger .22 or something I bought when I was 10 by working for my dad bagging ice at one of his stores)
      I bought my own amo and I have a " hunting box " that has all my stuff in it but for the big stuff... if he already has it, I just use it as long as he isn't using it.

      anyone that knows me knows I'm a daddy's boy and what's mine is his and what's his is mine type deal haha.
      1969 GTO Judge Clone 6.0 liter LQ4 Turbo 4L60e on LS1tech

      1960 Chevy Sedan Delivery LS swap


      • Well...thinking about heading out this evening or sometime tomorrow. I have this damn sinus infection thats been going around though. Taking antibiotics and sinus meds for 2 days now. Its hard to keep me from a hunt, but damn this is kicking my ass.


        • Originally posted by BlackSnake View Post
          Well...thinking about heading out this evening or sometime tomorrow. I have this damn sinus infection thats been going around though. Taking antibiotics and sinus meds for 2 days now. Its hard to keep me from a hunt, but damn this is kicking my ass.
          I am in the same boat as you right now with a head cold...Worked all weekend with it and still have a few more days till vaction. Hope to shake it before vaction...........


          • I can't wait one more day. Who shoots their does in the head.


            • Originally posted by Sleeper View Post
              I can't wait one more day. Who shoots their does in the head.
              I haven't yet but I was thinking about it

              My worry would be just clipping her jaw and then her living only to starve to death
              1969 GTO Judge Clone 6.0 liter LQ4 Turbo 4L60e on LS1tech

              1960 Chevy Sedan Delivery LS swap


              • Anything over 50 yards I'm going for vitals. A lot of people here shoot for the head.


                • Originally posted by Sleeper View Post
                  I can't wait one more day. Who shoots their does in the head.
                  Head no... Neck if you can get it to save meat... Front or back to hit the spine is the best...

                  Edit. Side to side give me right behind the foreleg...


                  • That is really what I mean. Right behind the ear and down a little.


                    • Originally posted by BlackSnake View Post
                      Well...thinking about heading out this evening or sometime tomorrow. I have this damn sinus infection thats been going around though. Taking antibiotics and sinus meds for 2 days now. Its hard to keep me from a hunt, but damn this is kicking my ass.
                      I got the same shit be glad when it is gone

                      Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
                      Trick3d EVO


                      • Originally posted by Sleeper View Post
                        I can't wait one more day. Who shoots their does in the head.
                        I did for a couple of seasons in a row....Cull bucks I would shoot neck and does would be head shots. This left all the meat unharmed and made for a much easier clean. All these shots would be done within 50 yards or so at the most. Of corse it took them staright down which kind of took away from following a nice blood trail...Nothing like a nice blood trail to follow that leads to your kill.....


                        • I know what you mean on the sportmanship thing.

                          I've got 1500 acres in kansas and refuse to shoot a buck with a rifle here. It's to easy.


                          • Originally posted by Sleeper View Post
                            I know what you mean on the sportmanship thing.

                            I've got 1500 acres in kansas and refuse to shoot a buck with a rifle here. It's to easy.
                            Where in KS?
                            1969 GTO Judge Clone 6.0 liter LQ4 Turbo 4L60e on LS1tech

                            1960 Chevy Sedan Delivery LS swap


                            • Phillips county.

                              I also don't do leased or guided hunts yet. One day I hope to do a few. Not in the next few years. I've got 4 or 5 good deer. Kansas good deer. Mostly big 8's and a couple nice 10's. The 8's are young.

                              I want to bring the heard numbers up. It's been hit hard the passed few years by my fathers friends. The shoot from the truck type.


                              • So being a 1st timer, do I aim at neck or at shoulder? I see you all talking about damaged meat. I've read that it's best to shoot at shoulder.

