Anyone going to hunt After turkey day? Supposed to be no moon that night ( either Thursday night or friday night).
I am either headed out there Thursday after the cowboys game or Friday in time for the evening hunt and I'll stay through Sunday
Anyone going to hunt After turkey day? Supposed to be no moon that night ( either Thursday night or friday night).
I am either headed out there Thursday after the cowboys game or Friday in time for the evening hunt and I'll stay through Sunday
Heading out on Friday night, not sure if I'm heading out West or East just yet. I got pigs coming back on our place in East Texas and I always enjoy blasting pigs.
I set up a game camera over a deer carcass from a spike that was shot on opening weekend and caught this guy coming in
I'm back at it this weekend. I got to the lease about 4 yesterday so I went and sat in dads stand since its the closet to camp and one other hunter is here so I didn't want to disturb him. I didn't see anything but he saw a couples does, a small 4 point and 2 coyotes
Hoping for better scenery today
I plan to take a for this weekend I'm hunting one of the other guys stands this morning and just got scared to death by some damn ducks coming in not 2ins later his feeder went off and surprised me then a couples mins later shit starts falling out of tree and hits the top of the stand
It sounds like a war zone next door. They have fired 12 shots in less then 5 mins and it sounds like they are coming from different people almost like the damn deer is being shot at as it runs pays every stand on the property over there haha