Originally posted by Gtracer
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Originally posted by Big A View PostTrue, but we usually have more info on the seller than just the tag number on their vehicle when that happens.
Con artists.
I played this game too, except I had a 1000w inverter, a laptop, and an HDMI cable. As soon as I pulled it out the guy pretended he got an emergency phone call and had to go. At first I was shocked, then I raged.
Originally posted by Big A View PostYou're both idiots for not knowing the difference between "your" and "you're."
(did you see how I started a sentence with "and". How you like those apples?)Originally posted by Sean88gtYou can take white off the list. White on anything is the best, including vehicles, women, and the Presidency.Originally posted by Baron Von CrowderYou can not imagine how difficult it is to hold a half gallon of moo juice and polish the one-eyed gopher when your doin' seventy-five in an eighteen-wheeler.
Originally posted by 78X View PostYour wife is a fucking idiotOriginally posted by talismanI wonder if there will be a new character that specializes in bjj and passive agressive comebacks?Originally posted by AdamLXIf there was, I wouldn't pick it because it would probably just keep leaving the game and then coming back like nothing happened.Originally posted by BroncojohnnyBecause fuck you, that's whyOriginally posted by 80coupenice dick, Idrivea4bangerOriginally posted by Rick Modena......and idrivea4banger is a real person.Originally posted by JesterMan ive always wanted to smoke a bowl with you. Just seem like a cool cat.
Originally posted by Gtracer View PostYou do know that you can confront him but you have no legal basis for refund as this was not a business....just throwing that out there
You can take his ass to judge Judy though...
Pissed to where I want to kick his ass or anything. Would just like to be able to confront him in person. Maybe he will return the message we left him sometime today.
Originally posted by BlackSnake View PostJust a option I'd lime to have in my favor. Kind of hard to say no when you are at his door step. And I'm really not
Pissed to where I want to kick his ass or anything. Would just like to be able to confront him in person. Maybe he will return the message we left him sometime today.
I bought a LCD projector from a guy about 3 weeks ago. I stressed to him I would be testing it and it was for a wedding slide show. Idiot me forgot to bring my VGA cable. The thing powered up, but only on the blue test screen. So I was satisfied...till I got home. Thing had terrible LCD bleed and only showed blue colors.
I sent multiple emails and tried to call, he ignored everyone of them. Joke was on him though, it was a $200 projector that I talked him down on the price, ended up buying a broken one on eBay for $9.99 that was broken as well and ended up combining all the working bits into one perfectly working projector. So I sent this email off and moved on in my life:
Well despite the fact that you knowingly sold me a defective projector, I was able to buy a broken one (at least this seller was honest to me) for $9.99...what yours SHOULD HAVE BEEN WORTH...I took the Display boards from that unit and put them into the broken projector you sold me. 2 hours of work is what it cost me and some cut hands. So despite your best efforts to steal my hard earned money by selling me a broken product and lying, quite literally, to my face that it works perfectly, I still wound up with a projector that works...so thanks for nothing.
I hope you don't ever buy something and the person says "it works perfectly" and it doesn't...it is a really horrible feeling...especially when the person just doesn't respond to even say "I'm Sorry"
Originally posted by BlackSnake View PostOk. Problem solved. He bas returned our call and has agreed to give us the money back.Originally posted by Sean88gtYou can take white off the list. White on anything is the best, including vehicles, women, and the Presidency.Originally posted by Baron Von CrowderYou can not imagine how difficult it is to hold a half gallon of moo juice and polish the one-eyed gopher when your doin' seventy-five in an eighteen-wheeler.
Originally posted by black2002ls View PostWhat kind of TV was it?Originally posted by ELVIS View Postglad to hear it. once i got my $ in hand i would slap the tv out of his hand so he doesnt pull the same shit on someone else.
god bless.
Originally posted by Gtracer View PostWow, your/you're/ur/ure very lucky that this guy was somewhat morally decent....