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FTP!!! Police gun down a cow....

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  • Vertnut
    Originally posted by Roscoe View Post
    Disgusting... Just udderly disgusting....
    Fixed! ;-)

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  • GeorgeG.
    Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post

    I've worked in "Cowtown" for 20 years and have worked countless loose stock calls. Everything from horses, cattle, goats, snakes, raccoons, opossum, llamas, dogs and cats and have never unholstered my gun.

    That video is pretty damn ridiculous.
    next time....feel free to unload on the snakes. Kill everyone one of those satin bastards!

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  • Ted
    Originally posted by Yale View Post
    Mike's actually right about this. Meat packing plants in the US and Canada aren't allowed to accept already downed or dead cattle, much less process them.
    Now i really hate those cops for ruining someone's porterhouse! FTP

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  • Sean88gt
    My favorite part was the siren, as if that makes it official.

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  • SS Junk
    "That's not really a gun is it?"
    Ah, Canucks...

    Originally posted by onemeangixxer7502 View Post
    Shit he was point blank and couldn't pop one in the cows dome?
    Ah, dumbfucks. Is there a difference?

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  • Jimbo
    All I can think of is George Nelson, "I hate cows worse than I hate coppers", as he unloads the tommy gun.

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  • YALE
    Originally posted by Ted View Post
    1 bullet or 100 bullets. I still don't see what the big deal was. In the end his fate was exactly the same and will still end up on somebody's dinner table.
    Mike's actually right about this. Meat packing plants in the US and Canada aren't allowed to accept already downed or dead cattle, much less process them.

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  • dustin
    Originally posted by Roscoe View Post
    Disgusting... Just utterly disgusting....
    I see what you did there.

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    That's the Spelling Police, dealing out the required punishment for all those "Eet moAr Chikun" billboards

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  • Machx2
    On a side note, holy crap are there alot of units there for just one cow.

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  • Machx2
    Originally posted by Ted View Post
    1 bullet or 100 bullets. I still don't see what the big deal was. In the end his fate was exactly the same and will still end up on somebody's dinner table.
    I disagree. I think this was really messed up. If I worked for that department, I would be holding my head in shame. They must do things differently in Canada.

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  • 91CoupeMike
    Originally posted by Ted View Post
    1 bullet or 100 bullets. I still don't see what the big deal was. In the end his fate was exactly the same and will still end up on somebody's dinner table.

    A lot of the time if the cow is dead before it hits the slaughter house it's a waste. Atleast here in Texas where the weather is warmer.

    Also, ever been bird hunting? You have to get the pellets out of the meat.

    So that cop wasted that cow by pulling 10+ rounds into it's core where the meat is, do you want to eat a cow that has lead in it? Every bullet shot was more meat wasted.

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  • Ted
    1 bullet or 100 bullets. I still don't see what the big deal was. In the end his fate was exactly the same and will still end up on somebody's dinner table.

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  • 91CoupeMike
    Originally posted by sig239 View Post
    Have seen how thick a cows skull is? MM would just piss one off. 12g slug would have done it.
    That's a lie, slaughter houses use .22s to the dome, enough to penetrate and not exit, turning the brain into scrambled egg.

    At close range a hand gun should have been more then enough to drop the animal even though that was completely uncalled for and out of any SOP. That cop was a pussy and was scared of an animal trying to get away from him.

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  • 91CoupeMike
    Wow, it wasn't even going towards them it was using it's only way out that it saw. That cop is a fucking idiot. All they had to do was corral the cow and get it into a trailer or contain it until someone who knew what they were doing showed up. The cow would have been content with getting away around the corner, the polices job when a cow is out is to simply keep it off the road. Shining lights and hitting the siren is STUPID when a cow is scared, they will charge the lights out of instinct, especially if they're blinded. All else fails chase the cow until it's tired and it won't act a fool anymore, normally after that the meat isn't worth a fuck though.

    By the way, a .22 will go through a cow skull.

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