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More International Travel for me!

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  • More International Travel for me!

    Heading out tonight from DFW to Switzerland, will be there for a few days, then continuing on to India. Will be spending somewhere in the neighborhood of 30 hours in either an airport or a plane this week.

    Will be in India for two weeks, be back home the week of Thanksgiving. Two weeks ago I was in Las Vegas, and a couple of weeks before that I was in Miami. I'm racking up the frequent flier miles like a boss.

  • #2
    Want a hug?


    • #3
      Lucky bastard.


      • #4
        Originally posted by TEAMJACOB View Post
        Want a hug?
        Not from you... I like to stay disease free.


        • #5
          Originally posted by talisman View Post
          Lucky bastard.
          I'm looking forward to the Switzerland part of the trip. The India part, not as much. Last time I was there I came back with a stomach bug.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Kenny_Stang View Post
            I'm looking forward to the Switzerland part of the trip. The India part, not as much. Last time I was there I came back with a stomach bug.
            After watching something about the dead cows and bodies floating down the Ganges, and the other crap around India, there is no way I would want to set foot in that country. Oh ya, it was on a show called An idiot Abroad.


            • #7
              me and the ol lady are going to Switzerland in August.


              • #8
                Chocolate and ghost chili's.

                Bring some back.

                Sounds like a loooong trip though.



                • #9
                  Originally posted by Kenny_Stang View Post
                  Not from you... I like to stay disease free.
                  I'm just green with envy is all


                  • #10
                    Switzerland FTW / India FTL
                    70' Chevelle RagTop
                    (Forever Under Construction)

                    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”- Thomas A Edison


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Ted View Post
                      After watching something about the dead cows and bodies floating down the Ganges, and the other crap around India, there is no way I would want to set foot in that country. Oh ya, it was on a show called An idiot Abroad.
                      I didn't see the show, but I remember someone posting a link here that had some pretty disgusting pics in it. Fuck a bunch of India.


                      • #12
                        If you go to a bar and see a hot chick, approach her with the line "donkle spronkle eine leine" they get a real kick out of that one.
                        How do we forget ourselves? How do we forget our minds?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Ted View Post
                          After watching something about the dead cows and bodies floating down the Ganges, and the other crap around India, there is no way I would want to set foot in that country. Oh ya, it was on a show called An idiot Abroad.
                          We had a bunch of folks going over there for a while....I saw some nasty pictures brought back and heard some horrid picture that sticks out in my head was a couple of those stinkies cleaning a dog (not a bath, like field-dressing)....getting it ready to eat.

                          One of the guys in my division got extremely ill over there....they couldn't figure out what was wrong with him and the company eventually paid huge dollars to have him transported (under medical care) back to the States, where he was immediately hospitalized. Turns out that he had gotten some sort of parasite that was literally eating up his digestive system. The guy had to have several surgeries, was in intensive care and hospitalized for weeks once he got back...had to take LOA and a long recovery road....ended up being off from work for like 3-4 months when it was all said and done. There was a point in time where he wasn't expected to make it....damn near died.

                          This has been about 5-years ago, and he is still messed up from it....used to be a big chunky guy, now he's a little scrawny skinny fucker that always looks sickly.
                          70' Chevelle RagTop
                          (Forever Under Construction)

                          "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”- Thomas A Edison


                          • #14
                            To long in a tube for me. It is bad enough for me just here in the states. Dc this week and in December. Key West in Dec then New Orleans in Jan. I am tired of airports....


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Rreemo View Post
                              Switzerland FTW / India FTL
                              Yup! don't shake the left hand!!!!!!1111!!!!!

