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  • #61
    Originally posted by 10sec302 View Post

    So you're saying that only hard working moral people would only kill inbred/trash, etc and not the other way around ?

    You'd have hard working/moral people getting shot for simple things like their wallet, personal items, etc. It would literally be hell on earth.
    You underestimate society self-governing themselves. Justice comes swift and hard outside our corrupt system. It would not be too long before the shitbags screw up and mess with the wrong people. The main reason the "Old West" style of living didn't work out is because criminals took advantage of populations that were small and resource-deficient. Now take that same exact area (since there is no more land since then) and multiply the populations by thousands. Also, communication travels better, aid can br brought faster and resources are more plentiful.

    Like Forrest, I too have lost faith in our society as long as we accept maintaining the Status Quo, but force this situation upon us and you'll see a new breed of people rise (for better and worse). I honestly think that there will be a collective effort to maintain a safe society after these shitbags get going.


    • #62
      Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
      Fatality accidents are a major issue with teen driving. They think they are invincible and don't adhere to the rules. Just a couple of weeks ago a teen was killed in an accident on 360 south of I20 as a result of being ejected from a Lexus SUV.

      As a parent, how would you like to get the call that your child was killed because they weren't wearing a simple thing like a seatbelt?

      People die. Every single one of us that has been born will be gone, in some way or another. Be it through misadventure or dying peacefully in our sleep at 103 years old. It is up to the parent to instill that responsibility in their child, and their child being smart enough to accept it. We are limiting our growth and evolution as a species by eliminating the darwin effect through legislation.

      In the 70s when they lowered the speed limits to 55 in the name of safety, what happened? There was an initial decrease in fatalities, then the numbers tapered off and flattened out. This idea that we can protect every one from everything is ludicrous. The Greater Good is not Good. There is no Greater Good than freedom, and the society we've created in this Land of the Free is a slap to face of the word.


      • #63
        Originally posted by Denny View Post
        You underestimate society self-governing themselves. Justice comes swift and hard outside our corrupt system. It would not be too long before the shitbags screw up and mess with the wrong people. The main reason the "Old West" style of living didn't work out is because criminals took advantage of populations that were small and resource-deficient. Now take that same exact area (since there is no more land since then) and multiply the populations by thousands. Also, communication travels better, aid can br brought faster and resources are more plentiful.

        Like Forrest, I too have lost faith in our society as long as we accept maintaining the Status Quo, but force this situation upon us and you'll see a new breed of people rise (for better and worse). I honestly think that there will be a collective effort to maintain a safe society after these shitbags get going.

        Groups of people are dangerous, but a man on his own, when he realizes he has but himself to depend on, often finds that he is capable of greatness. And god help anything that stands in his way or attempts to bring pain into his household. This country needs to be burned to the ground and started from scratch.


        • #64
          Originally posted by 10sec302 View Post

          So you're saying that only hard working moral people would only kill inbred/trash, etc and not the other way around ?

          You'd have hard working/moral people getting shot for simple things like their wallet, personal items, etc. It would literally be hell on earth.
          bring that shit. I'm not suggesting anarchy. If the police went after actual criminals instead of handing out speeding tickets, between them and an armed intelligent populace, we'd cull the herd of trash PDQ IMO


          • #65
            Originally posted by Cooter View Post
            bring that shit. I'm not suggesting anarchy. If the police went after actual criminals instead of handing out speeding tickets, between them and an armed intelligent populace, we'd cull the herd of trash PDQ IMO
            going after criminals doesnt pay the bills! handing out tickets does and the insurance companies love it too!


            • #66
              Originally posted by QIK46 View Post
              going after criminals doesnt pay the bills! handing out tickets does and the insurance companies love it too!
              yup yup


              • #67
                Originally posted by talisman View Post
                People die. Every single one of us that has been born will be gone, in some way or another. Be it through misadventure or dying peacefully in our sleep at 103 years old. It is up to the parent to instill that responsibility in their child, and their child being smart enough to accept it. We are limiting our growth and evolution as a species by eliminating the darwin effect through legislation.

                In the 70s when they lowered the speed limits to 55 in the name of safety, what happened? There was an initial decrease in fatalities, then the numbers tapered off and flattened out. This idea that we can protect every one from everything is ludicrous. The Greater Good is not Good. There is no Greater Good than freedom, and the society we've created in this Land of the Free is a slap to face of the word.
                I couldn't have said it better myself.

                Matt, if people make a bad choice they have to live with the consequences.

                Originally posted by Yale
                Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by talisman View Post
                  People die. Every single one of us that has been born will be gone, in some way or another. Be it through misadventure or dying peacefully in our sleep at 103 years old. It is up to the parent to instill that responsibility in their child, and their child being smart enough to accept it. We are limiting our growth and evolution as a species by eliminating the darwin effect through legislation.

                  In the 70s when they lowered the speed limits to 55 in the name of safety, what happened? There was an initial decrease in fatalities, then the numbers tapered off and flattened out. This idea that we can protect every one from everything is ludicrous. The Greater Good is not Good. There is no Greater Good than freedom, and the society we've created in this Land of the Free is a slap to face of the word.

                  This was the first thing I thought of as well when I read that post. There is no room for survival of the fittest within our current structure. There is no need to learn and grow. We have special programs for those who aren't fit to be educated with the rest of the children. We have rules and laws to protect us from injuries and harm. Injuries and harm which are prevented with common sense. Now, instead of creating a more intelligent populace from learning from those mistakes and learning to make better decision, we now have a massive amount of uneducated slobs who rely on the government and a higher power to tell them what is right and wrong. To tell them how they should act, what is proper and what is criminal. The gene pool is becoming infected with ignorance created by a society reliant upon a group of people telling them how to act, and enabling those who are unable to learn from their mistakes and adapt to their environment. Instead, the environment and structure there of is being adapted.
                  Originally posted by Leah
                  Best balls I've had in my mouth in a while.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by racrguy View Post
                    I couldn't have said it better myself.

                    Matt, if people make a bad choice they have to live with the consequences.
                    Why should your bad choice have a possible grave effect on my life?


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
                      Why should your bad choice have a possible grave effect on my life?
                      How would my bad choice have a grave effect on your life?


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by racrguy View Post
                        How would my bad choice have a grave effect on your life?
                        Cause no innocent bystanders ever die from drunk drivers.


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by Tx Redneck View Post
                          Cause no innocent bystanders ever die from drunk drivers.
                          I think you missed my point. I was specifically referring to the seat belt thing.


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by talisman View Post
                            there are no laws, or morality. These are things created by scared white men in dark rooms, high on their own personal drug of choice: "The Power to Control the Populace." This involves protecting me from myself, with their version of right and wrong. He who holds the pen, holds the power to restrict how you are allowed to live.

                            While I would generally discourage testing these laws in the civil disobedience realm of perhaps drinking a fifth of vodka and driving your 87 Honda down the freeway at 110, it is our duty as men, our duty as human beings, to ignore these laws that attempt to constrain our natural impulses. Sometimes I would like to drive without a seatbelt. Someone has decided I am not capable of making this decision for myself, and has taken that power out of my hands.

                            The lives we live are unnatural, and if we don't confront the lies we live, we will never be free. We are animals. We are the only creatures on this planet that proclaim to believe in a god, and the only creatures who treat this world as if one doesn't exist.

                            I don't need anyone to protect me from myself. We are catering to the lowest common denominator instead of holding people accountable.

                            Lines on a map are meaningless. There are no borders. This isn't working.
                            We usually don't get along but I love this post.

                            I am man. I don't always think rationally, but I do always think progressively. I want results. I want an end. That is it, and it is all.
                            "Any dog under 50lbs is a cat and cats are pointless." - Ron Swanson


                            • #74
                              The days of us having "free will" has been over. Everything we do has a consequence enforced by our government. They dictate how we should live out our lives. By the people, for the people is a joke. We don't control our paths, the government does.
                              Originally posted by talisman
                              I wonder if there will be a new character that specializes in bjj and passive agressive comebacks?
                              Originally posted by AdamLX
                              If there was, I wouldn't pick it because it would probably just keep leaving the game and then coming back like nothing happened.
                              Originally posted by Broncojohnny
                              Because fuck you, that's why
                              Originally posted by 80coupe
                              nice dick, Idrivea4banger
                              Originally posted by Rick Modena
                              ......and idrivea4banger is a real person.
                              Originally posted by Jester
                              Man ive always wanted to smoke a bowl with you. Just seem like a cool cat.


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by racrguy View Post
                                I think you missed my point. I was specifically referring to the seat belt thing.
                                How about becoming a 200 pound loose, destructive force in a vehicle upon impact. I worked an accident where the driver died from the passenger colliding with him. The passenger lived.

                                Sorry, I'm in a contrarian mood.

