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Migraine sufferers, please come in...

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  • #61
    I haven't had one in years (knock on wood), but most of what the others have said. Trial and error on what works for you - try to catch it early, and go to a dark place and relax.

    I always find it funny on how a lot of people claim, - "I've got a migraine!". No you don't, you wouldn't be standing here talking to me if you did. Until you experience a full blown migraine you have no idea, it's not just a headache. When I got mine I'd get holes in my vision and start vomiting. It was miserable.


    • #62
      Originally posted by TENGRAM View Post
      I use Excedrin migraine... but I don't get serious migraines.

      Zomig works alright, too. Fioricet (w/ codeine), not so much.
      I'd like to point out that Excedrin migraine and regular old Excedrin are exactly the same thing, for those that don't know. And secondly Fioricet with codeine is actually Fiorinal. Plain Fioricet is a blessing for those of us that have tension headaches that closely resemble migraines. Just my .02 No disrespect...
      Originally posted by Broncojohnny
      Would you like your reparations in 5.56mm or 7.62mm?


      • #63
        Originally posted by DamonH View Post
        I haven't had one in years (knock on wood), but most of what the others have said. Trial and error on what works for you - try to catch it early, and go to a dark place and relax.

        I always find it funny on how a lot of people claim, - "I've got a migraine!". No you don't, you wouldn't be standing here talking to me if you did. Until you experience a full blown migraine you have no idea, it's not just a headache. When I got mine I'd get holes in my vision and start vomiting. It was miserable.
        Thank you to everyone who has shared your story-apparently, this is more common than I thought. I really appreciate all the input. I've got a Dr. appt today to discuss options so it really has helped. Thanks, again!
        Token Split Tail

        Originally posted by slow99 favorite female poster strikes again.
        Originally posted by Pokulski-Blatz
        You are a moron .... you were fucking with the most powerful vagina on DFW(MU)stangs.


        • #64
          Usually migraines are caused by my wife.

          Unfortunately I cannot turn her into "mechanically processed meat"....


          • #65
            Originally posted by 3.90x3.62;457926


            Relpax and Imitrex - They work most of the time if taken at onset of symptoms, but do have very uncomfortable side effects. Relpax causes a choking sensation and extreme tightness in jaw. *Also, not very effective if taken after the migraine cycle has already begun.
            Ditto on the side effects. I find myself putting off taking the Zomig/Imitrex because of them. The tightness of the jaw and the skin sensitivity is disturbing to me and lasts for several hours. The first time I took it I thought I was dying and forgot I had the migraine. I then read the warnings and decided that my dr. must be trying to kill me. Something as simple as taking a shower feels like being pelted with glass shards! On the flip side, it has been the most successful for me.


            • #66
              Originally posted by Special K View Post
              Ditto on the side effects. I find myself putting off taking the Zomig/Imitrex because of them. The tightness of the jaw and the skin sensitivity is disturbing to me and lasts for several hours. The first time I took it I thought I was dying and forgot I had the migraine. I then read the warnings and decided that my dr. must be trying to kill me. Something as simple as taking a shower feels like being pelted with glass shards! On the flip side, it has been the most successful for me.
              OH wow! I already have very bad TMJ, so I don't know if I could handle those side effects! That's crazy!
              Token Split Tail

              Originally posted by slow99
     favorite female poster strikes again.
              Originally posted by Pokulski-Blatz
              You are a moron .... you were fucking with the most powerful vagina on DFW(MU)stangs.


              • #67
                Originally posted by 3.90x3.62 View Post
                ~ Leah

                I was a Migraineur for 6 years. And I'm talking about nasty debilitating classic migraines (migraines preceded by aura usually scotoma in left eye), acephalic migraines ( aura without headache), and even occasional Migraine Prodromes that included Phantosmia. My Ophthalmologist ordered MRI+MRA and results were negative, like yours. And then immediately saw a Neurologist the same day. The final diagnosis; Migraineur. First thing the Neuro doc had me do was to keep a migraine diary to try and identify the triggers, e.g., food(s), skipping meals, too much or too little sleep, OTC meds, bright artificial lights, dehydration, staring at computer screen too long, etc..

                OK. Here's my experience. You may find it helpful. Migraine disease and prescribed Rx is highly individualized, so the efficacy and side effects are different for everyone.

                Migraine management & abortive drugs that were prescribed by my Neuro doc. And my clinical results.


                Relpax and Imitrex - They work most of the time if taken at onset of symptoms, but do have very uncomfortable side effects. Relpax causes a choking sensation and extreme tightness in jaw. *Also, not very effective if taken after the migraine cycle has already begun.

                Daily Migraine Management:

                1. SSRI Celexa (Slight improvement, but ultimately the frequency and intensity was still unacceptable.) = Discontinued

                2. Topamax - (Moderate improvement with decreased frequency and intensity of headaches. However, a broad side effect profile; Apathy and makes you more forgetful than an Alzheimer patient. Just to name a couple of the biggies.) = Discontinued

                3. Lotrel - ( Cure. No migraines, in fact, no headaches of any kind. And, no, I'm not joking. Fairly narrow side effect profile, but this drug will cause a lot of dizziness and lightheadedness for the first week. You do acclimate rather quickly and side effects are short lived, however, with one exception. You will occasionally have dry unproductive coughing spells. They don't happen all the time and aren't severe enough to cause discontinuation. If you would like to know more about that, then Google "ACE Inhibitor cough". )

                Good luck and feel better.

                - Tim
                Dr Google strikes again! LMAO.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by DamonH View Post

                  I always find it funny on how a lot of people claim, - "I've got a migraine!". No you don't, you wouldn't be standing here talking to me if you did. Until you experience a full blown migraine you have no idea, it's not just a headache. When I got mine I'd get holes in my vision and start vomiting. It was miserable.
                  That annoys the FUCK out of me. I've only had two in my life that have made me vomit. Man, that was a miserable experience.

                  My trigger just seems to be stress. Oddly enough I haven't had one since I became single again. Weird.

                  Originally posted by davbrucas View Post
                  Dr Google strikes again! LMAO.



                  • #69
                    I get them cause Im poor. Rich people do not get migraines. I take 4-5 excedrin then 4-5 more if its not gone in a couple hours. I haven't died, and it seems to work


                    • #70
                      Two excedrin, a couple shots of whisky, and sitting in the shower until I run out of hot water, with the lights off are how I get rid of mine at the house.

                      If I'm at work, then excedrin, hydrocodone, and a redline while sitting in the dark waiting on them to kick in.

                      I'm sure my liver will hate me when I'm older, but throwing up/passing out from the pain of a migraine is winning that immediate battle.


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by davbrucas View Post
                        Dr Google strikes again! LMAO.
                        Whatever you say, boss man. You're a broken record. It's not like I was speaking from real experiences or anything. You're a joke. And a liar. Just like you claimed to have conveniently missed my PM about requesting to speak with you regarding my upcoming surgery. I used to respect your opinions. And I'm tired of your automatic disregard for my medical training or experience. It's old.
                        Last edited by LS1Goat; 10-25-2011, 06:05 PM.


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by 3.90x3.62 View Post
                          whatever you say, boss man.
                          Awww... am I being bombastic while you are trying to be erudite again?


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by 3.90x3.62 View Post
                            Whatever you say, boss man. You're a broken record. It's not like I was speaking from real experiences or anything. You're a joke. And a liar. Just like you claimed to have conveniently missed my PM about requesting to speak with you regarding my upcoming surgery. I used to respect your opinions. And I'm tired of your automatic disregard for my medical training or experience. It's old.
                            Way to edit...

                            I didnt get the PM. But, if I did, I probably would have ignored it anyway. You need a psychiatrist...not an ER doc. Dont PM me asking for BS advice seem to know everything already.

                            Go get a drink, Tim. It's calling you...herrrreee Timmy! Just a little wont hurt!


                            • #74
                              So, I went to the Dr. today-he refilled my morphine spray and got me in with a neurologist on Thursday. Hopefully they can figure something out.
                              Token Split Tail

                              Originally posted by slow99
                     favorite female poster strikes again.
                              Originally posted by Pokulski-Blatz
                              You are a moron .... you were fucking with the most powerful vagina on DFW(MU)stangs.


                              • #75
                                Morphine spray? Wow...I bet youre enjoying that! Narcotics are notoriously inept at treating migraines. Why arent you taking a triptan?

