The most eloquent response to that I can think of in that situation would be a solemn but staid fuck off. That or simply leave. Pretentious people in social situations are utterly repugnant.
I was at Vista Ridge movie theater recently and decided to bust out my skoal can and take a dip towards the middle of the flick. I just used my empty plastic soda cup as my spittoon. A few people around me started to show outward and visible disdain when I packed a ping pong size ball of dip in my face. A guy behind me gave me a couple of not so subtle *ahems, I guess to tacitly communicate to me his self-righteous indignation. It's smokeless tobacco. People can fuck off. Grow a ball sack, and perhaps endeavor to get a life in the process.
Dude dip can smell like shit at times. I've had people that think wintergreen dip helps there breath at work but it doesn't. It always smells like shit. In a confined space like a movie theatre it's even worse. Especially with your nasty ass bottle of spit. Keep that shot at home or outside.
You dipshits make drama out of nothing. For all the OP knows...people could have just been curious as to what's in the flask. Buncha self conscious fucks here.