Several of the guys had them for their avatar for a while and Chili made one of the first posts of the site with a picture of them. If you're that interested, get to searching.
Token Split Tail
Originally posted by slow99 favorite female poster strikes again.
Originally posted by Pokulski-Blatz
You are a moron .... you were fucking with the most powerful vagina on DFW(MU)stangs.
I've seen that pic. I need something current just to make sure they're alright. October is Breast cancer awareness month. And with me being the caring individual I am - I just want to help any way I can. I'm doing this for your health. So let's see the boobies!!!!!
I've seen that pic. I need something current just to make sure they're alright. October is Breast cancer awareness month. And with me being the caring individual I am - I just want to help any way I can. I'm doing this for your health. So let's see the boobies!!!!!
These ta-ta's are staying right where they are. In my pretty, pink bra.
Token Split Tail
Originally posted by slow99 favorite female poster strikes again.
Originally posted by Pokulski-Blatz
You are a moron .... you were fucking with the most powerful vagina on DFW(MU)stangs.
It's more than just repackaged Linux, and it's still quite a bit cheaper than Windows.
ugh. we have to go there.
Its cheaper because you already paid them for their marked up hardware. It doesn't install on any old hardware, just their hardware. Sure you can get it to work on any plain 'ole junk but Apple can take you to court and sue you for it. Unlike Windows, which installs on a mac... who's the friendlier one in this situation?
Same with their mobile OS.
On topic:
If you like Apple stuff, go with it. I ran it for a while and really liked it... but ended up hacking the device just to attain the functionality an Android comes with out of the box.
Tera 4:1 + 4.88's = Slowest rig on here
Its cheaper because you already paid them for their marked up hardware. It doesn't install on any old hardware, just their hardware. Sure you can get it to work on any plain 'ole junk but Apple can take you to court and sue you for it. Unlike Windows, which installs on a mac... who's the friendlier one in this situation?
Same with their mobile OS.
On topic:
If you like Apple stuff, go with it. I ran it for a while and really liked it... but ended up hacking the device just to attain the functionality an Android comes with out of the box.
I don't like Apple. I like iOS but I'm not a fan of the restrictions. But that's not what the post was about...
Wait until you know where the Galaxy Nexus is going to land on US carriers. If there's a compatible at&t version coming out, you'd be a goddamn fool not to wait for it.
If you decide to leave at&t, grab it when it lands on verizon.
If you decide to stay with at&t, and and the Nexus isn't available, the Galaxy S2 is the best they offer right now. Possible HTC phone in the near future, but not enough details out yet to be certain.
is there a way to put my itunes music on an android device? or am i shit out of luck with my 600+ songs i have bought over the last 6 years? my girlfriend and my room mate have android phones, they aren't confusing, i just like the simple and cleanness of the iphone. do you think i would regret switching? how long until the nexus is available?
word.. i used to share one of those with my sisters when i was in jr high! then i upgraded to one of those nokia bricks, that thing was unbreakable. i played snake on that green screen till my fingers bleed.