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Talk about "parents" messing with a kid's mind

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  • #91
    Originally posted by bcoop View Post
    I'll also add, it's hilarious all the "Christians" that are using their belief as their basis to hate homosexuals. Doesn't the Bible preach love and tolerance? Treating others as they want to be treated?
    The old adage "hate the sin, not the sinner". One shouldn't accept something you find that goes against your morals and beliefs (whatever they are)
    Originally posted by bcoop View Post
    Oh, I see. So Christians get a pass on their sins, because "they are people too.". Yet everyone else is going to hell and being put to death for "being people too.". Makes perfect sense.
    No one gets a pass for sins.
    Originally posted by jasonw_2005 View Post
    As Christians if we fuck up our job is to ask fogiveness and try our best not to fuck up again. With that being said how often do u hear of a homosexual trying his best not to be a homosexual almost never instead our society is now being taught that its ok to suck another dudes dick hell not only that but now it's ok for them to get married and adopt kids and teach them it's cool too
    This. "True" Christians ask for forgiveness and tries to not repeat the sin again and/or really & truly ask for help in overcoming the sin. Asking for forgiveness and then doing the same thing again isn't really repenting...
    "Self-government won't work without self-discipline." - Paul Harvey


    • #92
      Originally posted by SS Junk View Post
      You ever ask Christ into your life?
      Yes. I've chosen to believe otherwise these days.
      Originally posted by BradM
      But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
      Originally posted by Leah
      In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


      • #93
        Originally posted by GhostTX View Post
        This. "True" Christians ask for forgiveness and tries to not repeat the sin again and/or really & truly ask for help in overcoming the sin. Asking for forgiveness and then doing the same thing again isn't really repenting...
        And therein lies the problem. I guess I've never, in my 30 years, met a "true" Christian. Sure, they may have good intentions. But every one I've met spreads hate, hypocrisy, and sins just as much, if not more than atheists or agnostics. But it's ok, because they can ask forgiveness and pray about it, and all is forgiven. Then they go do the very same shit the next day, and the day after, and so on and so forth. Denny, I love you bro, but you're even guilty of this behavior.
        Originally posted by BradM
        But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
        Originally posted by Leah
        In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


        • #94
          Originally posted by Denny View Post
          Brent, we're all to blame for our transgressions. Christians just accept the one way to make it right with God.

          We ALL fall short of his expectations. Lord knows I need Him more than any of you. LOL!!!
          Although I always appreciate a good self-effacing comment, but I'm thinking there are a spate of folks on here who are a lot further down the rung on the spiritual ladder than yourself.


          • #95
            Originally posted by bcoop View Post
            Yes. I've chosen to believe otherwise these days.
            Sorry you feel that way. I've been angry at God many times in wondering why he lets suffering go on with kids. I almost lost my oldest son twice in the 11 years he's been on this earth. Once when he was born and then again just a few weeks ago where he became sick with sinusitis which then turned to orbital cellulitis with sepsis complicated by his Type I diabetes, yet he is still alive and well. Doctors told us (just like when he was born) everything but how lucky we were to have caught it on time. That is divine intervention. When things like this happen and I have to ask "why me" I am reminded of the verse from Isaiah 55:8 and I have to then yield and believe God is in control.

            Originally posted by bcoop View Post
            Denny, I love you bro, but you're even guilty of this behavior.
            Every Christian is. I've never seen a perfect Christian either.
            Last edited by SS Junk; 10-18-2011, 06:09 PM.


            • #96
              Originally posted by jasonw_2005 View Post
              As someone else on here already said it is a defect.
              So it has nothing to do with domination of a territory or pack? No chance it could happen simply because they can?

              Those crazy bulls, bucks, chimpanzees, gorillas, whales, dolphins, and duckbill platypuses.

              "You and me baby, ain't nothing but mammals...."


              • #97
                Originally posted by Muffrazr View Post
                So it has nothing to do with domination of a territory or pack? No chance it could happen simply because they can?

                Those crazy bulls, bucks, chimpanzees, gorillas, whales, dolphins, and duckbill platypuses.

                "You and me baby, ain't nothing but mammals...."
                Domination or pack wtf. So let me get this straight what ure saying is it would be ok to be a homosexual if u ran with a group of them. Thats like say "oh hey it's cool if ure a mass murdering psychopath as long as ure in a group of them"


                • #98
                  The amount of restraint I'm showing by not getting involved in this thread is staggering.


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by jasonw_2005 View Post
                    Domination or pack wtf. So let me get this straight what ure saying is it would be ok to be a homosexual if u ran with a group of them. Thats like say "oh hey it's cool if ure a mass murdering psychopath as long as ure in a group of them"
                    Do you always resort to extreme, end of the spectrum thought processes when presented with a question?

                    We were discussing homosexuality tendencies in other animals. You classified it as a defect, when in fact, it has been going on longer than we (humans) have inhabited the Earth.

                    If this is how you plan to continue the discussion, then carry on by yourself.


                    • Originally posted by bcoop View Post
                      And therein lies the problem. I guess I've never, in my 30 years, met a "true" Christian. Sure, they may have good intentions. But every one I've met spreads hate, hypocrisy, and sins just as much, if not more than atheists or agnostics. But it's ok, because they can ask forgiveness and pray about it, and all is forgiven. Then they go do the very same shit the next day, and the day after, and so on and so forth. Denny, I love you bro, but you're even guilty of this behavior.
                      There are so many "Christians" out there that do this, I understand why people feel this way. Looking at the Christians in my own church I see it. Looking at my self I see it.The point is not that Christians don't sin, its that they ask for forgiveness and (should) make an effort not to do them in the future.

                      Putting that aside, I honestly think people could live with Christians screwing up all the time if they didn't walk around pointing out everybody else's problems. I think that is what really gets you, or at least that is what bothers me.

                      I sin all the time, quite possibly more than any atheist or agnostic, but you won't see me on a street corner telling you that you are going to hell. I try to live a live that shows Gods love and Grace. Not to say that sin doesn't exist or shouldn't be pointed out at the right time, but unless people know about grace then telling them about their sin is just beating them up about the same stuff you do. It is seen as hypocrisy and it is ignored.

                      Originally posted by Muffrazr View Post
                      Do you always resort to extreme, end of the spectrum thought processes when presented with a question?

                      We were discussing homosexuality tendencies in other animals. You classified it as a defect, when in fact, it has been going on longer than we (humans) have inhabited the Earth.

                      If this is how you plan to continue the discussion, then carry on by yourself.
                      Homosexual dinosaurs? I've never heard that before. How did scientists figure that one out? (If it was posted somewhere in here I missed it)
                      "A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."
                      -Gerald Ford/Thomas Jefferson


                      • Considering Jesus left only two laws when he died, and abolished the original 613 commandments, of which those now only apply to the Israelites who didn't believe Jesus was the son of god, I don't see where homosexuality is a Christian concern any longer. Jesus left his followers only two laws. To love God with all your heart, soul and mind, and to love your neighbor as yourself. He never said, "unless they are gay".

                        I mean I guess you can just pick and choose which laws to use when they are necessary to your cause.


                        • Originally posted by slow06 View Post
                          Honestly I think people could live with christians screwing up all the time if they didn't walk around pointing out everybody else's problems.
                          I bet you're more right than other Christians would be willing to admit. Yes, that's a huge problem I have with religion. And I know of several other people that feel the same way.

                          It's the holier than though, or preaching from upon high that drives a lot of people nuts. You want to believe in something, that's fine. But don't preach to me about how I need to be saved, how I'm going to hell, and how I'm not living a Godly life when you were on the barstool next to me last night, last week, etc.

                          I'm not completely arrogant. I do believe there is something out there that is greater than I am. I do believe that sprituality (not Christianity necessarily) is something more people should have. I do believe in a set of morals. I do believe that you should try to be a good person, regardless of your religious beliefs or lack thereof. But organized religion is something I have major issues with, for many reasons, but that's for another day and time. Classify me as agnostic, as I'm not an atheist.

                          I don't believe that Christians should spread hate over homosexuality. I do believe this goes against the basis of their very beliefs, and what is written in the Bible.
                          Originally posted by BradM
                          But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
                          Originally posted by Leah
                          In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


                          • Originally posted by slow06 View Post

                            Homosexual dinosaurs? I've never heard that before. How did scientists figure that one out? (If it was posted somewhere in here I missed it)
                            I doubt there is any evidence to support homosexual dinosaurs.

                            However, what we do know is that animals that are around now with ancestors from then have been pack type animals all along. Their behaviors have been incredibly similar and one main thing about any pack is the mounting of any would be aggressor to the Alpha, whether it is male or female. This one basic characteristic has never changed.


                            • Originally posted by Silverback View Post
                              Considering Jesus left only two laws when he died, and abolished the original 613 commandments, of which those now only apply to the Israelites who didn't believe Jesus was the son of god, I don't see where homosexuality is a Christian concern any longer. Jesus left his followers only two laws. To love God with all your heart, soul and mind, and to love your neighbor as yourself. He never said, "unless they are gay".

                              I mean I guess you can just pick and choose which laws to use when they are necessary to your cause.
                              You're correct in that we're to love ALL, but we do not have to love the sin(bad/poor choices).The Bible says even the wicked can love their friends, but we as Christians are to love everyone, period.

                              It's hard to do, I'll admit that here and now. The Bible also says that for a man or woman to be given to their desires/lusts for the same sex is an abomination(sin).


                              • John Lennon said "All you need is love" and The Beatles were more popular than Jesus, sooooo....

