Originally posted by LaserSVT
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Nigerian scammer in Mesquite selling cars.
Originally posted by LaserSVT View PostThe plates were sent to his house, not shop. The signature conformation shows his name as well.
I call him a scammer because:
He claimed car had 140k, it had 190k
Said AC worked, AC did not work. Works now.
Said car had no issues at all, car overheated a little not 5 miles away and trans started to slip. Those issues are now fixed as well.
He said he would have the title in one or two days and would next day it to me via FedEx. While it took a little longer to get the title he then renigged on his verbal agreement to send me the title the next day and refused to send it till he got the plates back. We had agreed to leave the plates on till I got the title. He recieved the plates and signed for them yet claimed they never showed for a few more days. Then said he was sending the title. Still hasnt been sent 5 days latter.
Do you "gotme" now?
Originally posted by 78X View PostHeis a pussy he won't do shit but post up on here about it
I am pursuing legal channels to correct this. No sense getting in trouble with the law over it if it can be handled in a civil matter. I understand the word "civil" is foreign to you but it is what it is.
As I stated earlier this was just to maybe help anyone here that is looking at a used Malibu or Accord or SC400 this weekend (some of the cars he has for sale) and goes to him for the purchase. They deserve to know who they are dealing with and that he is not trust worthy and they should not buy from him. Now people know what his name is and where and what his shop looks like and know to stay away.
My bad for wanting to help people.Good judgment comes from bad decisions and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.
Originally posted by Muffrazr View PostYeah, his laziness and your gullible mindset label him a scammer. Still got it, brah.Good judgment comes from bad decisions and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.
Originally posted by LaserSVT View PostYup, thats me. A pussy. BTW, you are still invited to come over. Don't live very far.
I am pursuing legal channels to correct this. No sense getting in trouble with the law over it if it can be handled in a civil matter. I understand the word "civil" is foreign to you but it is what it is.
As I stated earlier this was just to maybe help anyone here that is looking at a used Malibu or Accord or SC400 this weekend (some of the cars he has for sale) and goes to him for the purchase. They deserve to know who they are dealing with and that he is not trust worthy and they should not buy from him. Now people know what his name is and where and what his shop looks like and know to stay away.
My bad for wanting to help people.
U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A.!!!!!
Originally posted by Buzzo View Postman go fuck this dude up!!! Legal action isn't going to get you anywhere.
U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A.!!!!!
Man I hate to fight. Been in many over the years but its never been over words or money. Ill fight to protect family and friends or if being attacked and have yet to lose. I am not a bad ass by any means and many could kick my ass but I am big and have a heavy punch and those who have tried to attack me or family have left with their tail between their legs and broken body parts.
I just feel if you are gonna hit someone it should be for something dire, not something trivial like words or "things".Good judgment comes from bad decisions and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.
Originally posted by LaserSVT View PostLOL, I agree. I was in the wrong for trusting him. Aint arguing that. Just making sure nobody else is as dumb as me...... brah.
What really sucks for you, though, is the fact that you purchased this vehicle used. That implies an as-is/ no warranty, buyer beware transaction. There will be no civil recourse here for you.
I would jump on the bandwagon to say fuck him up, but with your hernia that will likely backfire. You could fuck up his shop, but that will likely turn into a hate crime.
You just paid a stupid tax, plain and simple.
Originally posted by LaserSVT View PostLMFAO!!! America! Fock yeah!!!!
Man I hate to fight. Been in many over the years but its never been over words or money. Ill fight to protect family and friends or if being attacked and have yet to lose. I am not a bad ass by any means and many could kick my ass but I am big and have a heavy punch and those who have tried to attack me or family have left with their tail between their legs and broken body parts.
I just feel if you are gonna hit someone it should be for something dire, not something trivial like words or "things".
Couple of weeks ago we sent two guys to Nigeria to fix a Citation 680.
They got scammed the whole time they were there. $70 cab rides, $250 for six sub sandwiches, $250 a night for a single bed room at crappy motel, had to bribe people to get a mixer box and parts out of customs, and almost got arrested for being at the airport to come back home.
Originally posted by Muffrazr View PostI'm mainly giving you shit based solely off your stupidity, which should be noted that I politely called "gullible mindset".
What really sucks for you, though, is the fact that you purchased this vehicle used. That implies an as-is/ no warranty, buyer beware transaction. There will be no civil recourse here for you.
I would jump on the bandwagon to say fuck him up, but with your hernia that will likely backfire. You could fuck up his shop, but that will likely turn into a hate crime.
You just paid a stupid tax, plain and simple.I agree, it was stupid. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it dont. I try not to be cynical and hate people in general but its really hard cause so many people suck.
Originally posted by Buzzo View Postsometimes you gotta get your knuckles bloody. Man, you need to go beat these crooks teeth out. Not just for you, but for all the people who they will end up screwing in the future. Go listen to some hank williams jr. and get in game mode so I can respect you as a man.Good judgment comes from bad decisions and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.
There are so many really foolish things you did wrong in this scenario. I'll just say consider it a lesson learned and move forward. And try to approach this type of situation in the future with a greater degree of maturity and business acumen.