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Cashier 1 Customer 0

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  • #91
    Originally posted by Treadhead View Post
    In 17 years of being a LEO, I have had two people actually take a swing at me and both were women. I have always professed my belief in equality so I don't care if you are a woman. If I have to go "Hands On" it will probably hurt. Take no chances these days.
    I can't really blame you (or any cop) for having that attitude. I'd like to, but it's just not the way it is these days. The only place for chivalry is in your personal life, can't chance it in your (police) professional life.
    Originally posted by MR EDD
    U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


    • #92
      Several things - he should've hit that white bitch for screaming. Said it before and will reiterate, but anytime a situation gets real and a shrill pig starts screaming it only makes things worse.

      Next, the two women deserve anything they got and I hope McIntosh (he sure didn't look Scottish!) gets a decent attorney.

      For such musical people, they sure are angry.


      • #93
        free that man

        Ba-Da-Bop-Bop-Ba... I'm Lovin' It!!!

        Death to all fucking Scumbags, Mark-ass Marks, Trick-ass Marks, Punk Bitches, Skip Skops, Skanks and Scallywags....


        • #94
          When keeping it real goes wrong.


          • #95
            Thats what you get when you gear all of your advertising towards the blacks! You never see this shit at a fucking wendys!


            • #96
              Originally posted by EW View Post
              100% justified. Asshead slaps cashier all bets are off. Asshead(s) cross the counter into cashier's world and it's on like donkey kong! They weren't coming behind the counter to hug the cashier. They wanted some and they got it. I hope the cashier walks free.
              I agree. If it were two men jumping the counter, he would be a hero.


              • #97
                Originally posted by Pro88LX View Post
                Thats what you get when you gear all of your advertising towards the blacks! You never see this shit at a fucking wendys!
                Somewhere there was a Wendys video posted and it was trashed also. However it is not the norm you are correct.
                Whos your Daddy?


                • #98
                  Originally posted by talisman View Post
                  I heard you made a new sport out of clotheslining crackheads!
                  Juke and jive doesn't always work. The LOng Arm of the law is longer than you think!
                  "People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf. "
                  George Orwell


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by 347Mike View Post
                    I think that him wanting to scan the bill to make sure it isn't fake is a pretty good thing for a guy who just got released from a 10 year prison sentence.
                    he was a kid when he went to prison... I'm thinking he actually wanted to turn his life around and walk the straight and narrow. I mean, the guy was working at McDonalds, not out selling drugs.


                    • Originally posted by Cooter View Post
                      he was a kid when he went to prison... I'm thinking he actually wanted to turn his life around and walk the straight and narrow. I mean, the guy was working at McDonalds, not out selling drugs.
                      Yep and he just got fucked by his own kind. But don't worry. It'll still be the man's fault.


                      • Damn, vid don't work anymore. I missed the action. fuuuuu


                        • Originally posted by Somewhere in Time View Post
                          Damn, vid don't work anymore. I missed the action. fuuuuu


                          • Originally posted by John -- '02 HAWK View Post
                            Thanks. Looks like he was defending himself to me.


                            • Should I feel bad for laughing when he's hitting those stupid motherfuckers ?

                              Stupid bitches got what they deserved, as far as I'm concerned.

                              If I were put on the jury, I would damn sure find him not guilty. I think his previous prison term would actually help him in my case, because like it has been said previously, he has a job. He's trying to be a contributing member of society. The fact that he didn't just beat those stupid fucking bitches to death shows restraint and that he wasn't getting a kick out of beating them--he was stopping a threat.

                              Let's just hope he gets the right people on his jury.



                              • The story in the original post made it sound like the guy came back minutes later and started whooping ass. In reality, they never left his ass. I don't blame the employee whatsoever. Maybe you can fire the employee on the grounds of handling the situation at the register badly. You can't really hear the whole conversation, just the dumb bitches yelling. But in no way would I fire a guy for defending himself.

                                And laugh my ass off at implementing zombieland rules on the two bitches. Double tap bitches!!

