Although he obviously took it a bit too far, if more people reacted like this there would be far less douchbags and scumbags in this country.
Not to say it would be right, but it sure would be nice.
I don't disagree. I've had customers screaming at the top of their lungs at me, jump on top of my counter, put their pointer finger an inch from my eye while yelling, pounding their fists on my counter while telling me they are going to beat the shit out of me. I stand there and chuckle, knowing they can talk all they want, but if they come around that counter I'm going to take whatever large tool is at my immediate disposal and start swinging for the fences with it. Never had one actually step around that counter, though I've had plenty of people tell me on the phone they were on the way up there to kick my ass, or they'd be waiting for me after work. People are idiots.
It's usually the guilty that are so quick to get defensive. Who the fuck pays with a $50 at Mc Donalds anyway? Banks and ATM's almost always give out $20's, and anyone dealing with $50's is likely gonna have a credit or debit card.
Kudos for the cashier calling them out, but fighting obscenities from two women with a "metal object" is plain stupid, and the guy should be charged and sentenced for it. Keep it classy Mickey D's.
He wasn't fighting obscenities, they attacked him and chased him while he was presumably retreating. At that point I feel like he was absolutely in the right to defend himself. He had no way of knowing if this crazy bitch who just slapped him and jumped over the counter to chase him had a gun, knife, etc. His problem is that he kept swinging once they were on the ground. But once that adrenaline starts pumping it can be difficult to shut that switch off, especially in someone like him who sounds like he already has a propensity for violence.
As I said before, IMO he took it too far, but initially at least, I think he was in the right.
Here I am filming my documentary on McDonald's customer service day 692. Nothing too exciting today either... Wait! What's this?!! I hope the defense lawyer can somehow make the connection that they intentionally went in there to film themselves smacking around the cashier only to get their butts whooped in return.
You can bet your life, that if I was attacked in my workplace in this manner, I would be using pretty much anything at my disposal to quell the attack. The trick is not to kill them, and stop once they are no longer a threat.
He wasn't fighting obscenities, they attacked him and chased him while he was presumably retreating. At that point I feel like he was absolutely in the right to defend himself. He had no way of knowing if this crazy bitch who just slapped him and jumped over the counter to chase him had a gun, knife, etc. His problem is that he kept swinging once they were on the ground. But once that adrenaline starts pumping it can be difficult to shut that switch off, especially in someone like him who sounds like he already has a propensity for violence.
As I said before, IMO he took it too far, but initially at least, I think he was in the right.
Lord help me if I am ever in a place where I feel the need to grab a metal object to defend myself against a couple chicks un-armed. Then again, also lord help me if I'm ever in a place to have to work at McDonalds.
One of the women curses at the cashier, then reaches over and slaps his face.
The woman then climbs over the counter, sending the cashier running toward the kitchen area. The other woman walks around to join her friend.
"Stop! Stop!" one woman screams. "Stop it! Call the cops!"
LMAO....dont put me on the jury, bitches got what they deserved.
Vortex rear stand $75 8.8 410s. $50
My goal in life is to not arrive at the grave in a well preserved body.
but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "holy shit!!!.. what a ride!"
1990 Foxbody GT for that ass
11 4 door
13 FX2 White 5.0
I don't disagree. I've had customers screaming at the top of their lungs at me, jump on top of my counter, put their pointer finger an inch from my eye while yelling, pounding their fists on my counter while telling me they are going to beat the shit out of me. I stand there and chuckle, knowing they can talk all they want, but if they come around that counter I'm going to take whatever large tool is at my immediate disposal and start swinging for the fences with it. Never had one actually step around that counter, though I've had plenty of people tell me on the phone they were on the way up there to kick my ass, or they'd be waiting for me after work. People are idiots.
If they step around the counter, I hope they bring an ass whoopin with them, because I sure as hell will be bringing one with me. Just remember for when the police get there..."the cash drawer is back here, I thought they were trying to rob us."
"It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."
Here I am filming my documentary on McDonald's customer service day 692. Nothing too exciting today either... Wait! What's this?!! I hope the defense lawyer can somehow make the connection that they intentionally went in there to film themselves smacking around the cashier only to get their butts whooped in return.
You think the video was a set-up and they were in on it? Interesting angle. If that is true I like the end result even that much better. They go in there trying to look cool while "punking out" a McDonald's employee just for amusement and get smacked the fuck down. Priceless!
100% justified. Asshead slaps cashier all bets are off. Asshead(s) cross the counter into cashier's world and it's on like donkey kong! They weren't coming behind the counter to hug the cashier. They wanted some and they got it. I hope the cashier walks free.
Lord help me if I am ever in a place where I feel the need to grab a metal object to defend myself against a couple chicks un-armed. Then again, also lord help me if I'm ever in a place to have to work at McDonalds.
Don't underestimate 2 fat classless bitches that have already HIT you and are now pursuing you into a non-customer area of where you work. Those dumb cunts are lucky he didn't tip over the boiling fry cooker on their asses.