This is one of the best affairs to discuss on now a days. The investors invested on houses are somewhat securing their lives than others. This has became very popular and most predominant that being a owner of a rented house. All the queries that we have mentioned int he post are very necessary to have knowledge about. As home prices fall and rents rise,Some investors are plunking their money into the real estate, chasing the cash flow that comes along with becoming a landlord. "For the first time in a long time, We can buy that home and get a cash-on-return immediately.
This is one of the best affairs to discuss on now a days. The investors invested on houses are somewhat securing their lives than others. This has became very popular and most predominant that being a owner of a rented house. All the queries that we have mentioned int he post are very necessary to have knowledge about. As home prices fall and rents rise,Some investors are plunking their money into the real estate, chasing the cash flow that comes along with becoming a landlord. "For the first time in a long time, We can buy that home and get a cash-on-return immediately.
What a joke
Originally posted by racrguy
What's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?
Originally posted by racrguy
Voting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.
Sell the house and invest the money in a good safe annuity or mutual fund. Your money is safer and it is a lot easier on your belly. Also, you don't have to deal with those dedicated and over worked public servants.
sorry to bump this thread but it sort of relates to it.
Buddy has some land about half a mile from a lake in central texas that's perfect for boat storage the land is a little inclined but it can be leveled if need be. It has enough space to do 7-8 normal sized boats and in the back it can have enough space to do 3-4 oversized.
He has a shop right beside it and was wanting to put up boat storage buildings. Their are some down the road and up the road from him but the area is far from capacity. What would be his initial investment to have carports put up?
Would it be better to cement the area or leave it gravel?
Besides the gate and keypad access would he have any major expenses?
He already has 2 of his regular customers interested and he's not doing anything with the land so he wants to weigh his options.