The people upstairs started a fire in their apartment and ran out and they didnt knock on our door or any of the other 3 apartments who have doors within 15 feet of each other. By the time we noticed our apartment filling with smoke they were sitting in their car on the phone with their family already trying to find a place to stay. They didnt even call 911. Reason I am so pissed is I have a 15 mnth old boy, a wife and my dog all in here with me. Next door has 2 kids a 4 yr old and a 9 month old and above them is a couple with a 2 yr old. HOW HARD IS IT TO CALL 911 and alert the people living in the building. Then they were laughing while telling what happened because the person that started it was frying something and went to take a bath and "forgot" about the food. Thank god it was contained with minimal damge to our unit mostly smoke and a little water but it took all I had not to go ape shit on them. Rant off.
