So I've been obsessing over this offer that this old friend of mine has given me for a few weeks now. He wants me to start working for him on this new venture that he has going on, a new international gambling website. I've been helping him test the final beta version of it, and it's pretty bad ass. Its something that's never been done before, and I think it's going to catch on like wildfire. He's been invited to go to Costa Rica and Korea to unveil this thing, as well as Vegas in the form of a "LAN" party since online gambling in the US is illegal. I'm just scared shitless that it might take a while to really get rolling, and while he assures me that I'd be taken care of, its pretty worrisome leaving a solid truck driving career that brings in consistent money every week for a risk like this. My wife has been following the website and is all about me making the move. I'd basically be an ambassador for the website, and travel around the world doing RL tournaments for the top players/winners on the site, much like what Full Tilt and the other poker sites did. Once my friend feels comfortable with the site being 100%, I'll post up a link to the site so yall can try it out. Obviously wont be able to play for real money
but its pretty addictive. He's offered me a job in the past and I turned it down due to liking my job at that point, and the guy who took it makes over 6 figures now.
