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Need some cheering up guys, cuz im lost!

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  • Originally posted by Vertnut View Post
    I'm not meaning to sound hard about your situation, and I don't know you or your wife at all. I do remember a lot of your posts' and comments from the old board coming across as cold and mean-spirited. Kind of a "fuck you if you don't like it" attitude. It sounds like it just caught up with you. I'm an old guy, and the one thing I do know, is payback is indeed a motherfucker. All wounds do not heal. All is NOT forgiven. I'm sorry it cost' you your family, but move on and live and learn. In all sincerity, take care.
    Yeah, I did have that attitude. I used to get into a pissing contest with guys like davbrucas because of the stupid shit they say. Take for instance the "I wouldnt be whining about it" comment. Well, until you have ever fucking been in my shoes you have no fucking clue just what you would do. And since when does asking for help from people you have come to know over the years been considered whining? It's just comments like that used to make me drop a bitch, but I have grown up and moved on. Now I just shake my head and say to myself "whatever you say tough guy."
    May God give us strength and courage in the time of our darkest hours.
    Semper Fi


    • Jester, board nonsense aside, I'm sorry to hear you're suffering sir. I hope it gets better for you soon. I can't imagine losing my girls, I'd fall apart.


      • Originally posted by Steve View Post
        Jester, board nonsense aside, I'm sorry to hear you're suffering sir. I hope it gets better for you soon. I can't imagine losing my girls, I'd fall apart.
        Yeah, and she let me know today that my 5 year old has the flu and is coughing bad enough that he is getting his chest x-rayed today. I know he is miserable and scared and I cant be there to hold him. It's kickin my ass.
        May God give us strength and courage in the time of our darkest hours.
        Semper Fi


        • Originally posted by Jester View Post
          Yeah, I did have that attitude. I used to get into a pissing contest with guys like davbrucas because of the stupid shit they say. Take for instance the "I wouldnt be whining about it" comment. Well, until you have ever fucking been in my shoes you have no fucking clue just what you would do. And since when does asking for help from people you have come to know over the years been considered whining? It's just comments like that used to make me drop a bitch, but I have grown up and moved on. Now I just shake my head and say to myself "whatever you say tough guy."
          Its funny how differently people see themselves vs how others see them. Although I never knew you or your wife very well, I always preferred your personality type to hers and appreciated the no bullshit side. You were always fun and gave the impression of being sincere. Oddly, I NEVER would have thought you the type to cheat, all bark no bite, and god knows I can't throw stones nor condone that behavior! But some things change somehow... I had 15+ years of shitty relationships.... mostly self inflicted but something changed/snapped when Wade and I started dating and I am a much different person (moslty just old probably!). Anyone that has known me longer than that would understand .


          • Originally posted by Jester View Post
            Yeah, I did have that attitude. I used to get into a pissing contest with guys like davbrucas because of the stupid shit they say. Take for instance the "I wouldnt be whining about it" comment. Well, until you have ever fucking been in my shoes you have no fucking clue just what you would do. And since when does asking for help from people you have come to know over the years been considered whining? It's just comments like that used to make me drop a bitch, but I have grown up and moved on. Now I just shake my head and say to myself "whatever you say tough guy."
            Don't worry about others and their comments, just keep your head up man.
            It sounds like you have made some great changes in your life and you need to keep on that path, with her or without.
            Not all women are the same and there sure are a lot of them out there!
            Most importantly...Always be there for your children(even if you have to sometimes be the mature one in certain situations).


            • Your wife didn't even come out of the bedroom to check on you when Blake shot the chandelier in your dining room, dude. She pretty much avoided all of us, not that I can 100% blame her with the freakshow we all brought, but usually s/os try to at least get to know their mates friends or even say "hi" to them. That spoke volumes about her character to me. And it's very possible that I'm just being a one sided dick about it, but that's my honest take on her personality.


              • Originally posted by talisman View Post
                Blake shot the chandelier in your dining room
                "No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government"

                -- Thomas Jefferson, 1 Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334


                • Originally posted by talisman View Post
                  Your wife didn't even come out of the bedroom to check on you when Blake shot the chandelier in your dining room, dude. She pretty much avoided all of us, not that I can 100% blame her with the freakshow we all brought, but usually s/os try to at least get to know their mates friends or even say "hi" to them. That spoke volumes about her character to me. And it's very possible that I'm just being a one sided dick about it, but that's my honest take on her personality.
                  She didnt like my friends all that much because i spent so much time with them. Nothing against yall. She just wasnt sure how to relate to us. Wish she would have tried too, though.
                  May God give us strength and courage in the time of our darkest hours.
                  Semper Fi


                  • Sorry buddy, it sucks. That being said sometimes shit don't work out, don't turn out like my dipshit brother and have 2 of your 5 marriages be to the same person.


                    • Originally posted by FATHERFORD View Post
                      Booze + 9mm + Blake thinking it was empty= blown away chandelier. lol
                      May God give us strength and courage in the time of our darkest hours.
                      Semper Fi


                      • Originally posted by FATHERFORD View Post
                        Blake shot out his light. That's the story.
                        Originally posted by Broncojohnny
                        HOORAY ME and FUCK YOU!


                        • Originally posted by Jester View Post
                          Booze + 9mm + Blake thinking it was empty= blown away chandelier. lol
                          That sounds like a good ol time.
                          "No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government"

                          -- Thomas Jefferson, 1 Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334


                          • Originally posted by FATHERFORD View Post
                            That sounds like a good ol time.

                            It wasn't.


                            • Originally posted by talisman View Post
                              It wasn't.
                              It was an awesome time!!!! lol
                              May God give us strength and courage in the time of our darkest hours.
                              Semper Fi


                              • Keep your head up bro, it gets better.

