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Adoption update..

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  • Adoption update..

    EDIT: Go here for the JAN 1st Update

    For those interested in the history of this, go here:
    Read Update Below ( What a crazy day it has been. We have been meeting with a family that lives here in North Texas about adopting a little girl that is due to be born in Sept. Today we got a call from the birth mother. She informed us that she has

    Then here:
    When I updated my adoption thread, I stated that it was on the ropes and in danger of falling apart. Basically, the Birthmother was being a bitch and her Mom was looking for "compensation". Two weeks ago we aired all issues with them and thought we had come to a resolution on everything but the birthmom being a

    Cliffs Notes:
    We tried to adopt from a family in Anna, TX but found out they were psycho. Two days before we broke it off with them another girl called in and wanted us to adopt her baby.

    About three weeks ago, we met our new Birthmom and her kids down in Ft. Worth. She was actually really sweet and we seem to hit it off. We met at Chuck E Cheese and I spent time playing with her kids while Miyako talked with her. They really hit it off well and kept texting each other for the weeks after the meeting. Things looked really good. She took a call from our agency and got her initial counseling from them. Everything looked great, except that she didn't call them back to do a formal intake with the agency...

    Well, over the next couple of weeks we found out the drama that was in her life. We let her vent and we started to realize how difficult her life actually was. But here's the thing, she didn't want any help. In fact, she insists on us not paying for anything. She even wanted to pay for the lawyers but we told her that they were already paid for through the agency.

    Fast forward to last Tuesday. We met up with her for her first ultrasound checkup at the doc. We found out that IT'S A BOY!!

    Check it out man..

    Then things got REAL. I was so psyched up I could hardly contain myself. We went out for lunch and just talked. Again, things went extremely well. Miyako and I said afterwards that we could easily picture ourselves having a good long term relationship with this lady through open adoption. She was VERY reasonable to deal with. Yes, there is drama in her life but she is trying to get things under control. She just knows that she can't do that if she has another child.

    BTW, she's DAMN good lookin' too. A natural blonde with blue eyes. All of her kids are good looking too. The father of her youngest (not the same as our baby) is half Korean/Native American. That kid is going to grow up to be a lady killer. I can't wait to see this boy.

    Anyways, the birthmother finally did call our agency today and did a formal intake. She immediately requested that she be matched with us. A formal match meeting will happen in the next few weeks but for all intents and purposes this is going to happen. Yes, she can still change her mind but, unlike the last adoption, we have a really good vibe for this one.

    He's due on Feb 9th. Keep ya fingers crossed. Prayers and warm thoughts are always appreciated
    Last edited by Sgt Beavis; 01-01-2012, 03:43 PM.

  • #2
    Congrats man!
    Originally posted by Nash B.
    Damn, man. Sorry to hear that. If it'll cheer you up, Geor swallows. And even if it doesn't cheer you up, it cheers him up.


    • #3
      Good luck bro, I hope this happens for both of you. Keep us up to date!


      • #4
        Congrats and good luck. If anyone deserves a kid, it's you two. I've followed your story from the get go. Most other people would have given up long ago. I bet you'll make great parents.
        Originally posted by BradM
        But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
        Originally posted by Leah
        In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


        • #5
          Awesome news


          • #6
            Hope everything works out for you.


            • #7
              Kick ass dude got my fingers crossed for you!



              • #8
                That's bad ass man!

                Pics of mom?


                • #9
                  congrats man. I just found out that I was adopted about 6 months ago and that I also have 7 brothers and sisters. Really weird to live 30 years of you life without knowing any of that. I guess the reason for the story is is give that kid the best life it can have because that what my parents did.
                  Originally posted by Baron
                  If I dissagree with you, it is because you are wrong.


                  • #10
                    congrats and good luck!
                    1969 GTO Judge Clone 6.0 liter LQ4 Turbo 4L60e on LS1tech

                    1960 Chevy Sedan Delivery LS swap


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by ma67cpe View Post
                      congrats man. I just found out that I was adopted about 6 months ago and that I also have 7 brothers and sisters. Really weird to live 30 years of you life without knowing any of that. I guess the reason for the story is is give that kid the best life it can have because that what my parents did.

                      We plan to do that. These days Open Adoption is the norm. Our child will grow up at least knowing his birth mother.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by ma67cpe View Post
                        congrats man. I just found out that I was adopted about 6 months ago and that I also have 7 brothers and sisters. Really weird to live 30 years of you life without knowing any of that. I guess the reason for the story is is give that kid the best life it can have because that what my parents did.
                        Oh wow man, thats kinda cool and weird at the same time. You going to meet them? or is it not really an option?

                        Sgt Beavis, mad props! I think I said it before but ill say it again, great thing you and your wife are doing, takes a big heart and a good family to open up your home like that! Hope everything goes well and youll be posting up some pics of the kiddo in Feb!


                        • #13
                          dont know you but followed the story on here.

                          congrats!!!! i hope it finally works out for you guys


                          • #14
                            Congrats man! Its good to hear that there are people out there helping take care of the needy children in this country first and not worrying about kids in other countries. Good luck to you and your wife! Children are the best thing that will ever happen to you. I have a 3 yr old and she is the best thing in the world.


                            • #15
                              Awesome! He looks like he's trying to wave or hollering "HEY HEY, Let me outa here!"

