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Need help with used car lot and getting title/lic. plate

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  • #46
    Originally posted by slownbmta View Post
    Exactly. Or you can take it back and they have to give you all of your money back. My family has a small dealership and we have never had trouble getting a title within 60 days until one I have right now. The auction (Manheim-very large legit auction) I got it from says the dealer had to file for a lost title in New York and that it takes 5-6 weeks to process. I sold the vehicle the week I got it. Just passed the 60 days and told the customer the situation and his options. He was cool with it and we just issued another tag.... So it may not be all the dealers fault, but they should at least keep you informed.
    This is kind of the story they gave me. They bought the car at auction and were waiting on the previous dealer to get them the title. They have issued me another tag.

    My only complaint is that they did not tell me this information the first few times I called. I am a pretty understanding guy so it would have been easier had they told me. I called the bank and told them what was going on. The lady let me know that even though the letter says one month, in the small print on the loan documents it states I have 5 months. I was mainly worried about the title getting to the bank, besides the fact that I hate driving on temporary tags and having people asking me about buying the new to me vehicle.


    • #47
      Looks like I may be filing the complaint afterall....

      Message body

      Thank you for getting back with me. Seems like everyone who works for Leach is in Colorado and I was told everyone was getting back Thursday. Anyway, I hope to have this in my hands by Wednesday as you say. Texas DMV is pushing me to file a complaint since by law you only have 20 days to complete this work after the sale of the vehicle.

      I will hold off on the complaint until Wednesday 9/28/11 in hopes that this will all be resolved and I will have the plates on my vehicle.


      From: Lindsay Leach
      Sent: Friday, September 23, 2011 9:46 AM
      Subject: Re: Leach Bill of Sale on 2007 Dodge Ram 1500 4X4

      Good Morning!
      GREAT news, your title arrived early this morning!!!
      I am in Colorado right now, so they are sending the title to me via overnigt for Saturday delivery. I'll work the title, send back via overnight and my transporter will take to the tax office to get your plates. I would have someone else work your title to avoid having to send it to me and delay the process a day or so, but I don't want to take the chance of having a mistake on your title.
      I'll send you a copy of the title when it arrives tomorrow. Tuesday we will have your license plates. I'll email you a copy of your registration w/ Pentagon as the lien holder and then I'll send it all to you via over night fedex.

      I'm so happy to get this resolved.

      Have a wonderful day and weekend,


      -----Original Message-----
      From: Joey
      To: Lindsay <
      Sent: Wed, Sep 21, 2011 3:57 pm
      Subject: Re: Leach Bill of Sale on 2007 Dodge Ram 1500 4X4

      Did you get a chance to take care of this today?

      From: Lindsay <
      To: Joey
      Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2011 11:08 PM
      Subject: Re: Leach Bill of Sale on 2007 Dodge Ram 1500 4X4

      Im entering the lien info now. I will update you tomorrow on the status of your title.
      As soon as I get the FedEx & send everything to the tax office, I'll have your plates & will over night them to you ...... FINALLY!

      I can fax a copy of the registration receipt, showing Pentagon FCU as the lien holder to the credit union once I leave the tax office, if you have a fax number for them.....

      I'll send you a message tomorrow.

      Good Night,

      On Sep 20, 2011, at 9:31 PM, Joey> wrote:


      Thank you for your response. The information for the lien is below. How long should it take to receive these documents and the plates? Can you please keep me informed on the status so that I can keep them informed as well.

      Pentagon Federal Credit Union
      P.O BOX

      Thank you,

      From: Lindsay Leach <
      Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2011 10:06 PM
      Subject: Re: Leach Bill of Sale on 2007 Dodge Ram 1500 4X4

      Hey Joseph,
      I apologize for the inconvenience & totally understand why your frustrated. James Wood Motors just sent me a message that your title was sent fedex. I will complete the paperwork, send the title to the tax office and get your plates.

      So that you don't have an issue driving today or tomorrow, I have attached a new temp. tag.

      I don't have information to add a lien holder to your title. Please send me the lien name and address and I'll add the information.

      Have a great evening,


      -----Original Message-----
      From: Joey
      To: james.michael.hall.jr
      <Cc: lindsaydayleach
      <Sent: Tue, Sep 20, 2011 9:00 am
      Subject: Leach Bill of Sale on 2007 Dodge Ram 1500 4X4

      Michael and Lindsay,

      Two months have gone by since I purchased this vehicle from Leach Investments. I have still not received the liscense plate, title, or registration sticker. The temporary tag expires today. My bank that issued the loan is also hasseling me for the title stating them as the lien holder. If I do not get the title to them IMMEDIATELY, they will up the interest tremendously.

      I have called numeruous times and keep getting the same responses and never receive any calls back. I paid ya'll $300 ( dealer admin fee) to take care of these tasks for me. I have done everything I can without escalating this case to a higher authority. I am hoping we can resolve this issue before I must take that route.

      Please give me the status of the registration of the vehicle I purchased from Leach Investments. A copy of the Bill of Sale with the vin number is attached.

      Thank you,

      From: Michael Hall Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2011 3:28 PM
      To: , Joey
      Subject: Leach Bill of Sale on 2007 Dodge Ram 1500 4X4


      Here is a breakdown of the cost of the vehicle on the bill of sale.

      Michael Hall

      Leach Investments


      • #48
        Time to call TxDOT.

