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Need alcoholic drink suggestion

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  • Originally posted by Cooter View Post
    vodka and cranberry is a great drink... I like it with a little squeeze of lime.

    That's another one I just can't decide to get drunk on. I'll be naked with a lampshade on my head in about 30 minutes
    You crack me the F up!

    So you're just a c* hair from a Cosmo?! Never actually tried that, with or without Triple Sec.

    <---- Sipping Crown and DP as I type this.


    • Shiner Hefeweizen FTW!!!

      <----Sipping on Shiner as I type this


      • Originally posted by Silverback View Post
        jager is the only one i ever drank, but that's because when I was living in Vegas with my best friend, we went through bottles of Jager daily. I also like black liquorice, and enjoy oozo and sambucca too.

        As far as any other sugary drink i'm out.
        well, I love black licorice, but if I'm going there, I'll take a shot of Pernod or something, but I WILL NOT seek to get drunk on it! LOL


        • Originally posted by appelingogt View Post
          Shiner Hefeweizen FTW!!!

          <----Sipping on Shiner as I type this
          <----Sipping on red bull and v as a night cap in bed as I type this


          • mhhm dos equis
            Big Rooster Racing
            1985 Mustang GT


            • Originally posted by Silverback View Post
              three olives rootbeer flavored vodka and diet coke. Sneaky little bastards they are
              Originally posted by Ruffdaddy View Post
              The flavoring is strong enough to kill most of the vodka taste.
              i tried the grape vodka and soda....i think that's gonna be my new drink )


              • Friend of mine created a shot called a Gary Coleman forearm. Its a root beer float with vodka.


                • Originally posted by dustin View Post
                  Vodka redbull
                  very regrettable if you have 5+ red bulls in the process.
                  ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ


                  • Drink beer, quit being gay.
                    Originally posted by talisman
                    I wonder if there will be a new character that specializes in bjj and passive agressive comebacks?
                    Originally posted by AdamLX
                    If there was, I wouldn't pick it because it would probably just keep leaving the game and then coming back like nothing happened.
                    Originally posted by Broncojohnny
                    Because fuck you, that's why
                    Originally posted by 80coupe
                    nice dick, Idrivea4banger
                    Originally posted by Rick Modena
                    ......and idrivea4banger is a real person.
                    Originally posted by Jester
                    Man ive always wanted to smoke a bowl with you. Just seem like a cool cat.


                    • Originally posted by momo View Post
                      very regrettable if you have 5+ red bulls in the process.
                      most mixed drinks are regrettable if you can handle your shit


                      • Originally posted by Foxy90GT View Post
                        i tried the grape vodka and soda....i think that's gonna be my new drink )
                        Not bad, and much easier to make, but the original recipe from 3O is much better.

                        "Fun Dip" also known as "Purple Drank" depending on your bartender
                        1 1/4 oz Three Olives grape vodka
                        1/2 oz sweet and sour mix
                        1/4 oz grenadine syrup
                        1/4 oz Blue Curacao liqueur
                        1 splash Sprite soda

                        Read more: Fun Dip recipe

                        Also, a downloadable PDF I just found while searching for the other page:


                        • Thanks gotta look into that


                          • Originally posted by Cooter View Post
                            most mixed drinks are regrettable if you can handle your shit
                            ya but the traditional cant handle your shit has got nothing on accidently consuming 9 cans of red bulls in the process because you forgot that redbull aint alky nor is it cranberry juice... it's an upper.

                            you pass out but then wake up freaking out from the sound of your heartbeat in a sweaty panic!

                            not that i know or anything!
                            ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ


                            • Originally posted by Cooter View Post
                              decent vodka (dripping spring, titos, etc.) and "Simply Limeade"

                              I had to quit drinking them some years back because I would get WRECKED.

                              as in, drinking half a liter of vodka in about an hour wrecked LOL
                              I've got one similar....when hanging out by the pool or outside the wife and I use those Thermos brand water bottles, like this....

                              ...put in some ice, add a few shots of Tito's and a Crystal Light regular or pink lemonade packet, then fill it up the rest of the way with water....shake the shit out of it, and enjoy.

                              Makes a really good drink (pretty much just tastes like an ice cold lemonade) and also keeps you well hydrated with all the water you take in along with it.

                              ...and've got to be careful with em too....they will promote the loud-mouth really easy.
                              70' Chevelle RagTop
                              (Forever Under Construction)

                              "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”- Thomas A Edison


                              • Originally posted by bcoop View Post
                                It could always be worse. At least you're not this guy.
                                Friday, we drank four handles of vodka. Saturday we did the same (there were four of us, so a handle each). With a case of beer mixed in each day. Then I proceeded to murder an entire handle (short of 3-4 shots) of Crown at Matt's Saturday night, after all the vodka. Granted, this was a special occasion/power drinking for sport, but still.
                                You were ultra-lit Saturday night!!

                                If I didn't have to be up at the buttcrack of dawn to jump out of a plane, then I would've attempted to catch up to you.

