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lost respect

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  • lost respect

    i really think i have lost respect for my dad. my wife does not like him at all. a few years ago, while i was living in VA working for him, my wife calls me and tells me she is pregnant. i tell my dad and he flips out and tells me "you know it's early enough that you can take care of it." that really pissed me off, as it did my wife. fast forward to last week. he tells me that him and his wife are pregnant. he is 58 and she is 42. today, i called him to talk about the Cowboy game and ask about her. he then tells me that they talked about it and decided to get an abortion because women past 40 can have complications, and that he felt too old to have a child now. im guessing he consulted with his crystal ball and knew what would happen. i only believe in abortion if the woman was raped or the mother will die from the pregnancy. anyway, it just ticks me off of their decision. my wife and i believe that you should feel lucky to give birth and it dam sure shouldn't be used as birth control.

  • #2
    I understand how you feel having had one of my children taken from me that way.


    • #3
      tell your dad to buy some fucking rubbers....


      • #4
        Conversation is:






        • #5
          Geez, there are so many folks trying to adopt. With open adoption they would even get to visit the child every once in a while.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Pro88LX View Post
            tell your dad to buy some fucking rubbers....
            that's no shit!!!

            Originally posted by Tx Redneck View Post
            I understand how you feel having had one of my children taken from me that way.
            i hear ya. unfortunately, for us, the child my dad said we should abort, my wife had a miscarriage. that was a horrible time in our lives.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Sgt Beavis View Post
              Geez, there are so many folks trying to adopt. With open adoption they would even get to visit the child every once in a while.
              i know it. im almost ready to tell my wife, and my dad, that we should adopt. we wouldn't have to change it's name.


              • #8
                I didn't call my dad last father's day for a reason. Nothing as severe as what you're talkin about though. Your dad needs a head check.


                • #9
                  Dude in my is only a name. Take that how you will.
                  The richest man in Babylon


                  • #10
                    Your dad and I wouldn't get along. That's for sure.
                    "Any dog under 50lbs is a cat and cats are pointless." - Ron Swanson


                    • #11
                      how do you know she was really preggo. Sounds like something they made up for attention


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by jdgregory84 View Post
                        Your dad and I wouldn't get along. That's for sure.
                        it's weird, at home, my dad and i are always fighting and arguing about something. when i work for him, we have an awesome relationship and everything is hunky-dory.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by txstangnut View Post
                          how do you know she was really preggo. Sounds like something they made up for attention
                          i can say that my dad is not that type of person.

                          he also told me, when i told him i was giving notice to move back home, that i needed to stay and to put my foot down and tell my wife she is moving. i told him that if i did something like that, things would be fine for awhile and i was sure that we would end up in divorce. to this day, i think i have been married, in my 1 marriage, longer then he has in all 6 of his combined.


                          • #14
                            6 marriages? Your dad is insufferable, or his picker is broken.


                            • #15
                              you wouldn't be who you are if you didn't have the father you have... hopefully they'll let you adopt

