So here is the story about my Border Collie named Raider. Starting in April of this year I got raider from his 3rd home at only 12 weeks old. I got him from a lady at work who got him from someone she knew going through a divorce who got him from a breeder (with no papers). With my job being close to my parents, I would drop him off everyday at about 630am and pick him up at about 5ish (im a teacher/coach) so he would not have to suffer separation anxiety and have other dogs (lab and a Chihuahua)to play with while I am at work. Well in May I lost my job and moved in with my parents, everything was fine with him until recently. Over about the last month there has been random aggression shown towards my brother (18 and Autistic/MR) who tries to play rough with him sometimes and the parents Chihuahua. He has tried nipping at my brother and has grabbed the Chihuahua by the neck about 5 times and wont let go or listen to commands unless I or someone else goes and physically pulls him off. This only seems to happen while I am not home. I noticed when he was younger he had very strong herding tendencies, however I have not seen them since then. He is not fixed either and was planning on doing that this week, would that help?! I think this is more about trying to establish dominance, but I don't know. he has already growled at my girlfriends dog twice since I brought him over here about 30 minutes ago, and he has known him before. Any help with this situation would be greatly appreciated before I either move out, take him to classes, or try to find him a new home 
