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Anyone else ran across a nut job lately?

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  • Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
    That was the point. I found it fitting.

    And of course I see the difference. Thing is, he trespassed. Simple, he admitted to it. What he's pissed about is because he was chased down for doing that trespassing.
    Yeah and I get your point but people do it all the time. Sometimes intentionally with illintent sometimes on accident. The two are quite obvious in comparison and easy to spot.

    You are basing this argument off of Mikes possible intentions when there is no need to pull shit out of the air on what-ifs. He already stated what happened. Why make an open ended argument about what could and should have happened? It just makes you look like a loose cannon.

    What you're basically saying is if someone so much as steps a foot on your yard you will shoot them. I will again call 100% bullshit. I doubt by someone stepping, riding, or running on, near or an inch over your yard you are going to blindly shoot them without confronting them. If you do, well you obviously have more than stress problems you need dealt with.
    Originally posted by Cmarsh93z
    Don't Fuck with DFWmustangs...the most powerfull gang I have ever been a member of.


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      • Originally posted by broncojohnny View Post
        i'm shocked you didn't mention your training in fujitsu in there.


        • ...

          Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
          If you ignore my signs? That's not my problem. You decided to enter into what you knew was private property and ride around. Your decision. Sometimes, you make a bad decision and it has consequences. Everyone around my farm knows the consequences of coming here. I value my privacy and my PTSD amplifies it. I want to be left alone and am willing to use everything available to me up to the letter of the law.

          I am not a good guy. I've killed others and because of that, I do not consider myself good. I have my own code but that code says you come here uninvited, you get a warning. He chased you down. I won't.
          For some reason, the military guy (played by Gary Busy) in Black Sheep comes to mind.

          Mike, you disrespected the guy by being in his yard without permission and you shouldn't have. Of course, I'm not judging you because we've all made questionable decisions like that, but most of us hasn't had a crazy, pissed off nut come after us. When you live out in the country with a lot of open space, it is easy to see no harm in taking a shortcut through the edge of someone's property. It's not you were doing donuts or making rooster tails.

          When I was doing house inspections, that was the one thing that was always in the back of my mind; running into a crazy, shoot first, ask questions kind of guy. I only had one guy greet me with what looked like a .45 pistol and he wasn't very happy to see me.


          • Originally posted by grove rat View Post
            right click, save as....will use in the future lol


            • Have any of you actually had to do this, draw down on someone on your property? I have, it does not make you feel good afterwards. I'm 6'2 and 240 lbs, and you think you're billy bad ass until it actually happens. We can all go into a pissing contest to see who's more bad ass. But if its something as small as someone riding a dirtbike through your yard and wanting to kill him, my god people. My brother is 11 years old and i cant imagine someone wanting to pop a slug in his ass for having fun on his dirtbike.


              • Anyone else ran across a nut job lately?
                Well, yes, dear boy. Plz look in mirror.
                Originally posted by Broncojohnny View Post
                I'm shocked you didn't mention your training in Fujitsu in there.
                Nicely done.

