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What teachers really want to tell parents...

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  • #16
    Originally posted by talisman View Post
    You think the public schools are bad, go spend some time in a community college these days. I don't think that we are genuinely becoming dumber as a species, but I think there is a sharper and more obvious divide between intelligence and idiocy. Last year in my LOGIC class, upon learning the girl sitting next to her was from Houston, the girl sitting behind me said,"Oh, do they have a Tarrant County College there?" I wanted to take her jaw off with a right hook so she wouldn't pollute the world with her stupidity ever again.
    No, I know what you mean. I went to Northlake to take a few classes this semester only to find out that the classes I wanted to take were full. While in line I heard two people talking behind me, and they were talking about whether or not the school would let them in. One was saying they are not here legally and don't have a social security number, and the other was a convicted felon trying to return to school. I talked to the lady at the counter and she said they would have an easier time getting into the school than I would. Sigh.


    • #17
      Originally posted by talisman View Post
      You think the public schools are bad, go spend some time in a community college these days. I don't think that we are genuinely becoming dumber as a species, but I think there is a sharper and more obvious divide between intelligence and idiocy. Last year in my LOGIC class, upon learning the girl sitting next to her was from Houston, the girl sitting behind me said,"Oh, do they have a Tarrant County College there?" I wanted to take her jaw off with a right hook so she wouldn't pollute the world with her stupidity ever again.
      Sounds like you are about to get an easy A in that class.
      Originally posted by racrguy
      What's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?
      Originally posted by racrguy
      Voting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Broncojohnny View Post
        Sounds like you are about to get an easy A in that class.

        I missed the final exam and got a B.


        • #19
          Hey Leah. I was helping my Niece (who is in junior high) on some homework. One of her questions was to separate issues into political, economic, or social. One of the topics for placement was "Expansion of the American Empire." That kind of shit just pisses me off, blows my mind. Are teachers really this brazen?
          "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
          "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler


          • #20
            Originally posted by 5.0_CJ View Post
            Hey Leah. I was helping my Niece (who is in junior high) on some homework. One of her questions was to separate issues into political, economic, or social. One of the topics for placement was "Expansion of the American Empire." That kind of shit just pisses me off, blows my mind. Are teachers really this brazen?
            Yes, unfortunately.

            Not saying Leah is or anything, but the system as a whole has a left slant to it.

            Your politics are your own concern, but pushing your politics on maleable children is downright wrong.


            • #21
              Originally posted by sc281 View Post
              Yes, unfortunately.

              Not saying Leah is or anything, but the system as a whole has a left slant to it.

              Your politics are your own concern, but pushing your politics on maleable children is downright wrong.
              I deal with this shit every day. I was with a kid in a government class last week and the teacher had them complete a few political questionaires to determine which side they were on. One student asked what the 2 sides were and the teachers response was you are either a liberal or a right wing nut.
              I took offense to this and spoke up in defense of my fellow right wing nuts. It took all of about 2 minutes for him to have someone covering his class for him and we were on the way to the office.


              • #22
                Originally posted by sc281 View Post
                Yes, unfortunately.

                Not saying Leah is or anything, but the system as a whole has a left slant to it.

                Your politics are your own concern, but pushing your politics on maleable children is downright wrong.
                I'm not arguing against your points here, but most teachers get all their homework from the teacher's kit that comes with the teacher's edition textbook, and the homework could have very well come directly from the kit. Every history textbook I have read through has referred to America's expansion as empirical.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Mychael101 View Post
                  I'm reading an article in the Smithsonian about Finland's public schools and how they whoop our ass while have no standardized testing and spend 30% less per student. They have a 93% high school graduation rate compared to 75.5% in the US.

                  All in credit to the teachers.

                  i think having no overt national security issues for better focus on getting education reform as a priority, 100x less people, and a lack of the population make-up of the United States should get the lions share of the credit.

                  There are more people in the DFW metroplex than in Finland. A lot harder to have educational reform in a framework of 330 million people across 50 semi-independant states with their own educational guidelines.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by 32vfromhell View Post

                    i think having no overt national security issues for better focus on getting education reform as a priority, 100x less people, and a lack of the population make-up of the United States should get the lions share of the credit.

                    There are more people in the DFW metroplex than in Finland. A lot harder to have educational reform in a framework of 330 million people across 50 semi-independant states with their own educational guidelines.
                    My boy... keepin' it real.

                    Fins can handle fins because, well, they're Fins!


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by 03mustangdude View Post
                      kids are usually a reflection of their parents

                      parents are usually the first to blame someone else

                      The parents that wont accept responsibility are usually the ones that are unemployed and just milking the system.
                      So True!


                      • #26
                        while retirement for me is still just shy of 7 years away, my wife and i were discussing what my future employment may be...and she thought i would be a great teacher.

                        i agreed, but gave it some thought and said no way in hell could i be a teacher. because i would wind up losing my job within the first year.

                        the last time i was paddled in public school was in 7th grade. i graduated in 96 for reference...i stole some school property in high school with some friends and guess who was in the prinicpals office? yep, the cops. they were preparing to charge me. at no time did my parents ever once blame the school...i was punished.
                        like that article said, nowadays, if i a kid showed up and cops were there he would be on the phone pronto with his parents and they would show up lawyers in tow.

                        fuck em. i feel so bad for so many teachers in this day....and its only gonna get worse. the MTV generation is raising a bunch of douchbags and divas.
                        2011 Mustang GT


                        • #27
                          Other things have changed too, school sucks these days even more so then when I was my opinion.

                          I mean, simple shit like - you get into a fight done. Maybe suspension and/or detention. Now, kids can get put in a squad car. Things are just all kinds of fuckled these days for no good reason.
                          Originally posted by MR EDD
                          U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by ceyko View Post
                            Other things have changed too, school sucks these days even more so then when I was my opinion.

                            I mean, simple shit like - you get into a fight done. Maybe suspension and/or detention. Now, kids can get put in a squad car. Things are just all kinds of fuckled these days for no good reason.
                            its called "pussyification of America". when we were kids if someone picked on you, you told the teacher. if the teacher didnt do anything you told your parents and they had a talk with the teacher about the situation. if it continues, you bring a roll of quarters to school for "lunch money" and take care of the asshole bothering you. not so these days...the kid defending himself will be labeled a "terrorist" and the bully a "victim". how backwards things are becoming.
                            2011 Mustang GT

