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picture framing as a home based business?

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  • picture framing as a home based business?

    thinking of doing this as a home based business? my wife is a former manager with several years of experience in picture framing and we have all of the professional equipment needed because my grandmother used to own her own shop. We have been entertaining the idea of starting it on the side out of the garage but not sure how we could get something like this going for it to be worth it... i'd love to start a storefront but with the econemy the way it is i dont know that it would be wise right now thats why i was thinking of the possibility of running it from home. any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated!

  • #2
    I have a one off hand painted pic on masonite that I need framed and no clue how to do it. Suggestions, or want the job?


    • #3
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      • #4
        i really don't think there is a very big market around for picture framing. plus the people that already do it in this area have probably been doing it for a while and have a nice customer base, or they are a big company who can get the materials in bulk and can probably do the same job for less. my grandparents did picture framing from their home on the side and they just eventually stopped because they weren't making much $$. they still have all of the equipment too.

        i would check and see how much hobby lobby charges to do framing. if you can match those prices and think that you can pull enough volume to make it worth it then go for it.


        • #5
          i agree thats why i was wanting to run it out of the house. i know the markup on picture framing is ridiculous from stores like aaron brothers, michaels, ect... i think we/she could offer the same quality at a cheaper price than those types of places. thats why i was thinking of doing this out of the house where we dont need to do the same type of volume and it would just be a side gig.


          • #6
            Good luck. An old fart that I know was doing this until recently and could not turn a buck. He sold all of his tools and materials for $1500 after about 5 months of trying to sell it. I am not talking about a small amount if stuff either; his stuff filled 2 bob tail trucks.
            Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.


            • #7
              I have two canvas paintings that I need put back on wood frames. PM me if you like.


              • #8
                Originally posted by jnobles06 View Post
                i really don't think there is a very big market around for picture framing. plus the people that already do it in this area have probably been doing it for a while and have a nice customer base, or they are a big company who can get the materials in bulk and can probably do the same job for less. my grandparents did picture framing from their home on the side and they just eventually stopped because they weren't making much $$. they still have all of the equipment too.

                i would check and see how much hobby lobby charges to do framing. if you can match those prices and think that you can pull enough volume to make it worth it then go for it.
                You would be surprised. My wife has a friend who owns a really nice frame shop and she stays backlogged. Most of the money is labor, not materials. She is in a town without a hobby lobby, but she is the best priced regionally in our area.


                • #9
                  Can you be competitive with the online framing places? Hook up with a couple of artists and you'd stay busy. Other than Aaron's Brothers I wouldn't even know where to take art for framing.


                  • #10
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                    • #11
                      I just spent $160 to have a poster framed (a bad ass numbered Black Crowes one, at that) at Aaron Brothers, and that was with 40% off. Fucking ridiculous.

                      I have another poster that I want done, but am looking to spend about 1/2 what I paid at Aarong Brothers. Shoot me a PM if you think you can help me out.


                      • #12
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