Originally posted by TexasDevilDog
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Wisdom tooth needs to go...no insurance...options?
Originally posted by bobs94formula View PostScrew Monarch dental! We have insurance, it sucks but we have it, and they quoted us $2,500 for all 4 of my wife's wisdom teeth to be removed by their oral surgeon. Well we went to another oral surgeon who charged $600 for her top 2 teeth. They were the only ones that needed to be pulled, plus she only had 3 wisdom teeth anyway! Monarch is a complete rip off!
Just call up an oral surgeon and see what kind of deal they can do paying cash. Most will want around $100-150 for an inital visit so they can see how hard or easy it's going to be. Plus if you just let them give you a local, instead of putting you under, you can save around $400.
See if you qualify for Care Credit. It's like a medical credit card, if only for shit that goes wrong above your shoulders, like dental work, ENT shit.....
I had all 4 of mine pulled back in '04. They didn't fuck with novacain or gas....they knocked my ass out with I.V. drugs! The nurse lady injected that shit in my I.V. and told me to count backwards from 100...I got to 97. I also felt that shit flow up my arm, too....which was fucking awesome.
During the operation, they dislocated my jaw completely, cut out all 4 of my wisdom teeth (which were all impacted) put me back together, woke me up, and sent me on my way (had to have a ride home, obviously). Went back in twice in the month afterward to have my shit repacked (like I was supposed to do) and that was that. No pain afterwards at all...they gave me a scrip for vicodin (which doesn't work for shit on me anyways) and I think I took 2 of them.
Entire operation cost about $3200....but in my book, they did everything right. No pain during or afterwards at all.
Dr. Mak Saigusa (yeah, he's asian) is his name, here in Tyler if you'd rather go that way.Last edited by asphaltjunkie; 12-01-2010, 07:53 AM."We, the people, are the rightful masters of both congress and the courts - not to overthrow the constitution, but to overthrow men who pervert the constitution." Abraham Lincoln
Originally posted by Superwho View PostWhen I went in, I was scared because I have all my wisdom teeth, and had heard that they always pull them. The Dentist at MCRD SD said no, they were fine where they were.class joke
char Forrest, Jenny, Momma, LtDan;
double Peas, Carrots;
string MommaAlwaysSaid(const bool AddAnyTime = True)
You guys are slack jawed faggots. I was knocked out with some sort of IV drug at about 2pm one day, all four of mine were cut out. I woke up the next morning at 5am and went to the GM plant and worked a nine hour shift while spitting blood. Good times!Originally posted by racrguyWhat's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?Originally posted by racrguyVoting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.
I don't know where your located, but try my friend in Addison. His office is W Dental, across from Valley View Mall.
http://www.wdentaldallas.com/main/Can't beat them, Join their NEW message board !!
Originally posted by Broncojohnny View PostYou guys are slack jawed faggots. I was knocked out with some sort of IV drug at about 2pm one day, all four of mine were cut out. I woke up the next morning at 5am and went to the GM plant and worked a nine hour shift while spitting blood. Good times!
Originally posted by clevelandkid View PostI got sent back to work as soon as they got done yanking all 4 of mine.... but then again S4 is pretty light duty to begin with.
Originally posted by Broncojohnny View PostYou guys are slack jawed faggots. I was knocked out with some sort of IV drug at about 2pm one day, all four of mine were cut out. I woke up the next morning at 5am and went to the GM plant and worked a nine hour shift while spitting blood. Good times!
Originally posted by Broncojohnny View PostYou guys are slack jawed faggots. I was knocked out with some sort of IV drug at about 2pm one day, all four of mine were cut out. I woke up the next morning at 5am and went to the GM plant and worked a nine hour shift while spitting blood. Good times!In the Marines, we were lucky to get shots.
class joke
char Forrest, Jenny, Momma, LtDan;
double Peas, Carrots;
string MommaAlwaysSaid(const bool AddAnyTime = True)