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  • BuyOwner

    Anyone ever used to sell your house? Need to sell mine and I can sell it cheaper if I don't have to pay a Realtor.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Cam_Stang View Post
    Anyone ever used to sell your house? Need to sell mine and I can sell it cheaper if I don't have to pay a Realtor.
    Seriously, if you don't know what you're doing, that 6% is well worth it. There is WAY too much shit to fuck up procedurally, legally, etc.

    I would only recommend an owner/agent situation or someone versed in the market for that. Too many horror stories where people end up losing more because they didn't have a professional to take charge and someone in the know to go to bat for them.

    Just my thoughts on it. Good luck either way.


    • #3
      I didn't use BuyOwner but I sold a house on ebay a little less than 10 years ago. Painless, no seller fees other than a flat $100 or $200 listing fee, and I got more than my asking price.


      • #4
        Originally posted by The King View Post
        I didn't use BuyOwner but I sold a house on ebay a little less than 10 years ago. Painless, no seller fees other than a flat $100 or $200 listing fee, and I got more than my asking price.
        My initial "ASSumption" is that the market has changed WAY too much for this to be valid advice/info...


        • #5
          Whatever you say, boss. The concept of bypassing a realtor and their fees is the same now as then, and my own personal experience was good with having done so. Someone local wound up buying my property as it turned out, after outbidding an out-of-state party willing to buy sight unseen (other than through photos I provided).


          • #6
            Sell side realtors don't do shit. Lazy mother fuckers won't even show you a house they list. I'd be more worried about representation on the buy side.
            Originally posted by racrguy
            What's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?
            Originally posted by racrguy
            Voting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.


            • #7
              I sold something in ebay 10 yrs ago too... And the concept is the same as it was a transaction of money for goods, but its still too fucking old to be anything more than a story to tell your grandkids on the porch whn they ask what the early 21st century was like.


              • #8
                As in, back when people put forth their own effort to sell rather than hand that work over to a "professional" to do for them LOL. Might of helped too that I had a decent property for sale as opposed to run down shack that needed "marketing".


                • #9
                  Originally posted by The King View Post
                  As in, back when people put forth their own effort to sell rather than hand that work over to a "professional" to do for them LOL. Might of helped too that I had a decent property for sale as opposed to run down shack that needed "marketing".
                  It's not just a matter of being lazy, rather than having a professional cover all of your bases. I call that weighing the cost vs. having a potential liability due to ignorance.


                  • #10
                    I don't mean by any means to imply that selling through a realtor is being lazy, just that it's not a necessity. A realtor serves first and foremost as a means of getting exposure for your property, same as can do. Agree with you about needing to be educated about the potential risks of doing it yourself, versus having an agent who can address those issues. A good title company that will work with you is a must, for instance, when conducting a sale yourself.

