She's just giving you shit because she believes you were insinuating she is old.
not my intention at all, i was actually thinking about my grandmothers house, they don't have a tv in their den, and they have the perfect place for a nice big plasma to hang on the wall, instead it's a picture of Jesus!
she claims the living room is a place to converse, not watch tv. strange!
not my intention at all, i was actually thinking about my grandmothers house, they don't have a tv in their den, and they have the perfect place for a nice big plasma to hang on the wall, instead it's a picture of Jesus!
she claims the living room is a place to converse, not watch tv. strange!
I think your grandmother thinks that she is more interesting than she really is.
not my intention at all, i was actually thinking about my grandmothers house, they don't have a tv in their den, and they have the perfect place for a nice big plasma to hang on the wall, instead it's a picture of Jesus!
she claims the living room is a place to converse, not watch tv. strange!
I'm with your grandma. When Robert and I started dating, I had a TV, but didn't have cable. The only reason we have cable now is because DSL isn't worth a crap in our area, and I need internet for work. We are a strict one TV home, though. I don't allow TV in the kitchen, dining room, or in bedrooms. We have only one, it's in the living room, and it turns off during meals or if company is here.
I grew up in a home where there were TVs in every room of the house. My grandpa was stone deaf, so he always had it turned up as loud as it would go. If my grandma was watching something in the other room, she'd have hers turned up so she could hear over his. It drove me nuts! You couldn't think, let alone talk to someone in the house. My grandparents would even have the TV blaring during Thanksgiving dinner or while we were doing Christmas. From the time I moved out, I've been anti-television.
Haha! We already got the air fixed in the Bronco and I was sick of looking at the Sony TriniTON we have had in there. I wanted my dresser back.
Nice! What did the problem end up being? Yea those trinitrons are the size/weight of a small car LOL...I have a Sony 55" DLP and i bet it weighs an honest 1/3 of the weight of that behemoth.
Nice! What did the problem end up being? Yea those trinitrons are the size/weight of a small car LOL...I have a Sony 55" DLP and i bet it weighs an honest 1/3 of the weight of that behemoth.
R12 - R134a adapter on the low side.
But DJ and I replaced the whole system before I figured that out. Still only cost about $400 in parts for the new set-up.
ya, i'd almost be tempted to put ours in another room if it weren't for our master bedroom being gigantic, it needs something opposite the bed even if it never gets used!
I would not brag if my bed wasn't getting used.
If you need any help with the GF, let me know. I could pick up the jack at the same time.