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Life changing events

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  • Life changing events

    The last thread I posted about left/right brain function caused me to think about this question. Do life changing events change your mentality?

    Major changes in my life recently have really had a profound effect on my logic, reasoning, and over all decision making. For those that have gone through significant events like a death in the family, career change, divorce, birth of a child, etc. Whatever warrants you to take a step back from the norm and say to yourself, "I normally would do it this way but now I'm thinking I should do it this way".

    Are these ever lasting effects on your thought process'? Do you kick yourself for not changing your position earlier if you did change your views on a certain issue?

    Example: I was married for over 10 years. Devoted my life to the care for a family of 5. Started young at the ripe old age of 19. Now after not having the Brady Bunch thing going on anymore I find myself lost on many issues that a few years ago would have been no brainers for me at the time.

    I suppose these are questions for a shrink but I figured I would seek the advice of a much wiser and diverse audience.
    The richest man in Babylon

  • #2
    I had a life event that changed my mentality completely so yes.
    I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


    • #3
      Depression can cause these symptoms.


      • #4
        My move to California has certainly made me re-evaluate my priorities, though, other than living situation, I can't say that it's been "life changing" in terms of who I am as a person, or how I percieve the world.

        I've had alot of time to think, which has reinforced most, if not all of my core values. Though I do see, and prioritize certain things a little differently.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Big A View Post
          My move to California has certainly made me re-evaluate my priorities, though, other than living situation, I can't say that it's been "life changing" in terms of who I am as a person, or how I percieve the world.

          I've had alot of time to think, which has reinforced most, if not all of my core values. Though I do see, and prioritize certain things a little differently.
          I guess that's what I was looking for. Core values have almost done a complete 180 for me.

          It's no surprise that I'm more inclined to use the left side of my brain given my genetics. But the values that were instilled as a child have gone out the window in my case.

          I was brought up by very right wing conservative Christian parents. Still married, still go to church etc...and that's the path I thought I was headed down but all that has changed. My belief in God is nonexistent but I don't think I can contribute that to the divorce. I've been feeling that way for a while now but am just now getting up the nerve to tell people I don't. Imagine the Christmas parties now lol.
          The richest man in Babylon


          • #6
            Originally posted by davbrucas View Post
            Depression can cause these symptoms.
            No doubt. I've tried to take an anti-depressant but I just can't function on it and they make me ill. Long runs and tough work outs seem to combat the symptoms for the most part. I actually run more now than I did in the military... go figure.
            The richest man in Babylon


            • #7
              Watched a documentary last night called 'Forgiving Dr. Mendele' and the auschwitz survivors definitely had their lives and thought processes changed.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Taylor View Post
                Watched a documentary last night called 'Forgiving Dr. Mendele' and the auschwitz survivors definitely had their lives and thought processes changed.
                yep i seen it on netflix! all the twin survivors were pissed off at her for forgiving the SS medical officers


                • #9
                  Originally posted by trblshooter View Post
                  I guess that's what I was looking for. Core values have almost done a complete 180 for me.

                  It's no surprise that I'm more inclined to use the left side of my brain given my genetics. But the values that were instilled as a child have gone out the window in my case.

                  I was brought up by very right wing conservative Christian parents. Still married, still go to church etc...and that's the path I thought I was headed down but all that has changed. My belief in God is nonexistent but I don't think I can contribute that to the divorce. I've been feeling that way for a while now but am just now getting up the nerve to tell people I don't. Imagine the Christmas parties now lol.
                  Then you obviously weren't so convicted in those core values to begin with. Perhaps you'll get over the depression, and slowly return to the old you, or perhaps you've finally let go of the life that you never really believed in or wanted.

                  Getting fucked over in a situation shouldn't be enough to make you lose sight of who you are, there are plenty of people that split up or get divorced, and pick themselves back up and find another partner that will give them what they want.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Big A View Post
                    Getting fucked over in a situation shouldn't be enough to make you lose sight of who you are, there are plenty of people that split up or get divorced, and pick themselves back up and find another partner that will give them what they want.
                    True true...don't get me wrong I'm very optimistic about my future. Priorities and goals have shifted to more selfish ones and I'm out of my element.
                    The richest man in Babylon


                    • #11
                      they do dramatically. one major event can change your whole outlook of the world and everything in it.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Taylor View Post
                        Watched a documentary last night called 'Forgiving Dr. Mendele' and the auschwitz survivors definitely had their lives and thought processes changed.
                        Mengele maybe?


                        • #13
                          Life is all about learning from your experiances and the adjustments that come with it. Some adjustments are more draatic, some are subtle. Change happens.


                          • #14
                            I would be concerned if game changing events in one's life didn't alter their paradigm to some degree.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by 3.90x3.62 View Post
                              I would be concerned if game changing events in one's life didn't alter their paradigm to some degree.
                              I'm glad you chimed in and it makes perfect sense.

                              My decisions over the past year are a direct reflection of my state of mind. I'm desperately trying to change this paradigm.

                              "it's not rocket surgery" lol
                              The richest man in Babylon

