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drink of choice.

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  • #61
    Seven and Seven


    • #62
      At home I drink buchanan on the rocks, out and about vodka tonic or beer.


      • #63
        My drink

        2011 GT, 300A Rapid Spec. 6spd, 3.73 gears. Best 1/8th mile:09/10/2011 8.35@86


        • #64
          Iced Tea, or hot tea in the winter. Love the stuff.


          • #65
            For some reason I've been drinking a lot of bourbon lately. It makes a hot summer night a little tough sometimes.
            ZOMBIE REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!! heh


            • #66
              Originally posted by jakesford View Post
              Goose and sprite with an extra lime... If I'm going to have more than a couple I use soda water. I'm not big on sweet mixed drinks.
              For shame! Don't mix the Goose; what's this world coming to?
              The richest man in Babylon


              • #67
                Originally posted by HarrisonTX View Post
                I'm glad redbull and vodka is getting some love now that I mentioned it. When I don't want to spend yhe the $10 on two cans of redbull, I do vodka tonics.

                I mix my rb&v's 50/50 I thought this was standard until about a month ago
                the gas station across the street from my apartment has been running RB specials: 8.4oz cans 3 for $5.

                last semester i was drinking a red bull a day. that shit got expensive real quick.

                if i'm going to have a red bull and vodka (or any drink) i prefer it to be fairly weak because i drink my shit pretty fast. two weeks ago i had 6 RBVs in a matter of a couple of hours. needless to say, i didn't sleep much that night.
                Originally posted by 56482
                only on DFWMUstangs...


                • #68
                  Try pitbull instead of red bull.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Steve View Post
                    Iced Tea, or hot tea in the winter. Love the stuff.
                    my local restaurant here in Alvin... the waitress knows me well. She just sets a pitcher of iced tea in front of me w/ a straw in it.

                    The first time it was a joke...


                    • #70
                      Chilling at home/pool: bud light
                      Chilling at hole in the wall bar: jack neat w/ a bud light back
                      Partying: vodka redbull or vodka press


                      • #71
                        Dos XX

                        MySpace Tracker


                        • #72
                          Also, a deadly mixture: Sweet Tea Vodka (Deep Eddy) w/ Lemonade Vodka (UV) and a splash of sprite


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by shoot to kill View Post
                            as far as the amaretto, i absolutely despise the taste of alcohol, so it's gotta be something that tastes good.
                            This is me. I cannot STAND the taste of alcohol and I don't like beer. I have built a tolerance to Bud Light and I actually like Yuiengling (sp), but obviously, that isn't always around. If I have to drink mixed drinks, I will usually have malibu and something or Amaretto sours, June Bugs, Margaritas, etc. Something sweet and fruity-if I can actually taste the alcohol, I can't handle it.

                            That's pretty much why I stick to Bud Light. I would never get a buzz off of $10 weak poured drinks.
                            Token Split Tail

                            Originally posted by slow99
                   favorite female poster strikes again.
                            Originally posted by Pokulski-Blatz
                            You are a moron .... you were fucking with the most powerful vagina on DFW(MU)stangs.


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by Leah View Post
                              This is me. I cannot STAND the taste of alcohol and I don't like beer. I have built a tolerance to Bud Light and I actually like Yuiengling (sp), but obviously, that isn't always around. If I have to drink mixed drinks, I will usually have malibu and something or Amaretto sours, June Bugs, Margaritas, etc. Something sweet and fruity-if I can actually taste the alcohol, I can't handle it.

                              That's pretty much why I stick to Bud Light. I would never get a buzz off of $10 weak poured drinks.
                              Malibu tastes like stripper pussy.


                              • #75
                                sweet, sugary, girly drinks also are really murder on the old noggin' the next morning!

