3 years ago I was told persistently by my ex's grandparents that she would not indoctrinate my child because me and the ex were the parents and that her only job was to tell our daughter what was right and wrong and for family support. Fast forward to yesterday. I find out my daughters first day of school in kindergarten that she did not and was the only one that didn't say the pledge of allegiance because her (goga) grandma told her not to. I'm at a loss. If you haven't guessed they are Jehovah's witnesses. My only thought is for a 5 year old child to not only know what the Pledge was but to adamantly not say it tells me that they have been fully indoctrinating her to the full extent of their religion. The thing that gets me is that I know that grandma thinks it is ok to lie in this situation as i'm sure in her mind I am lost and she needs to tell her grandchild "The Truth". Has anyone else on this board experienced this before?
They pick her up from school daily until me or the ex picks her up after work. I don't want to keep her from them, but I don't want her to become confused and think that she's not going to be in "paradise" if she doesn't comply to what they have to say. This just seems like brainwashing to me.
They pick her up from school daily until me or the ex picks her up after work. I don't want to keep her from them, but I don't want her to become confused and think that she's not going to be in "paradise" if she doesn't comply to what they have to say. This just seems like brainwashing to me.