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First day back to school, teacher sends homework home for parents

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  • #46
    Originally posted by racrguy View Post
    Don't flush 'em dude. Other peoples kids are SO much better. You can give them back, lol.
    We have had our share of loaners already.
    Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


    • #47
      Originally posted by stevo View Post
      I'm not sure what shape you are in in relation to your children (by the way, how many school age children do you have?) but either my wife or I check everyday and see if our kids have homework, if so we sit down with them to help explain the subject since the extremely crappy teachers refuse to take the time to explain anything.

      Hell, I normally wouldn't have an issue with a teacher asking us to write a little something describing our kids, but I am not doing shit when they send a litter stating 'You, the parents of XXXXX have homework in the form of an essay, it is due by Wednesday'. It sounds to me like an arrogant asshole teacher.

      4 & 5, so yeah I'm new at it, but I stand by my original post about what she is probably doing. Cool off and have a crack at it. Sounds like you and your wife already do more than a lot do. If you haven't met the teacher yet, it sounds a bit presumptuous to call her names and just lump her in as being lazy or arrogant over such a simple thing. If everyone just immediately takes the stance any teacher asking anything of the parents is stupid/lazy/not doing their jobs, then the good teachers will keep leaving or giving up.


      • #48
        Originally posted by Leah View Post
        I'm just going to throw this out for everyone.

        You can thank your legislature and government for mandating what teachers have to do and teach. We are getting less and less freedom to be creative in lesson plans and are often times 'given' what we will do. This is getting worse every year and with the new 'STARR' test that is replacing TAKS, it's going to be worse.

        Try not to take it out on them, but recognize that it comes from the top, down.

        I am not saying there aren't bad teachers out there, because there are-this is just an FYI...
        That's an excellent point. I've always thought of teaching as a creative art; Getting through to those that are hard to get through to, challenging the ones that are above the curve, etc.
        This legislated test-passing curriculum and benchmarking every breath you take is killing that very creativity that is so important to being a good teacher. The lack of latitude, I'm afraid, will make the newer teachers into mindless drones that produce mindless drones.
        "It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."


        • #49
          Originally posted by Muffrazr View Post
          You think that's bad? This is our first grader's opening letter to the parents.
          what school district? my son is in 1st grade too and he is well above what is required. he loves school but gets very bored with it. K-garden was basically just another year of preschool it seemed. he had the most books read and most "sight words" they have to learn out of any kid in his class by a LONG shot.


          • #50
            i think its the parents' responsibility more so than the teachers to ensure that their kids receive a quality education.

            i think this is a test. the teacher will be able to know who will be the "problem parents" by the responses she gets. the parents who take this "assignment" seriously actually care about the education of their kids.
            the ones who don't, she will know to expect stupid calls/emails from them because their kid is failing and want to blame the teacher and not their own kid.

            i would handily spend a few minutes to fill something like that and return it to the teacher with zero complaint. a teacher isnt 100% responsible for a kid learning material. they present the material and the kid either takes learns it or they do not. the teacher assigns homework. the kids either do it or they do not. if they dont ever do any homework and fail, that is not the teachers fault. its the kids and the parents' fault and nobody elses.

            ok im off my soapbox.
            2011 Mustang GT


            • #51
              Originally posted by Frank View Post
              The teacher is probably hoping to gauge what parents are really committed. Chances are most won't do anything or half-ass it. Not like she told you to write X number of words or pages. Keep it short and simple, but sounds like a great opportunity to explain something about your kid she might not know otherwise. Sounds like a caring teacher to me.
              I agree, this is probably what is going on. However, sending an essay assignment home for the parents is not how adults interact or communicate with eachother. The teacher seems a little stuck in her grade school social skills.


              • #52
                Originally posted by Muffrazr View Post
                FUCKING THIS!!!!!111!!!

                I'm seriously looking into what I have to do to get them all in private school. You guys should see how children in Trinidad and Tobago get educated.

                We are ruining our children in America.
                eh, there are pros and cons and of course the $$$. People who have problem kids put them in private schools thinking they will fix them and they end up bringing their problems with them and influencing the good kids. Lived it. More focus on education, but sometimes fewer programs offered unless they are an $$$$$ school. That's just a generalization though.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Leah View Post
                  Sue the teacher for wanting your input about YOUR kid. They don't know them and are just trying to get some information to make it a better year for them.

                  Jesus, people.
                  Quite honestly, I think it would be best to actually talk to the parent rather than ask for an essay. Essay just comes off as the teacher vibe, which most people are pre-programmed to hate. Fuck, even if she would have asked for a 2000 word text, double spaced, describing the child, it would have been less intimidating as the word essay.


                  • #54
                    All kidding aside, it sounds like the teacher could do a better job of introducing herself, avoiding shit like writing assignments right out of the gate.
                    Originally posted by racrguy
                    What's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?
                    Originally posted by racrguy
                    Voting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Frank View Post
                      4 & 5, so yeah I'm new at it, but I stand by my original post about what she is probably doing. Cool off and have a crack at it. Sounds like you and your wife already do more than a lot do. If you haven't met the teacher yet, it sounds a bit presumptuous to call her names and just lump her in as being lazy or arrogant over such a simple thing. If everyone just immediately takes the stance any teacher asking anything of the parents is stupid/lazy/not doing their jobs, then the good teachers will keep leaving or giving up.
                      I may have been too critical about a new teacher (new to the school even), but I have a clear memory of the last few years. Our youngest child has bad handwriting, the teachers in the beginning dismissed it because he is left-handed, some tried to force him to write right-handed which only worsened the issue. Now, he is behind where he should be. Silly shit like this reduces my optimism.

                      Originally posted by SSMAN
                      ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by KungFuHamster View Post
                        i think its the parents' responsibility more so than the teachers to ensure that their kids receive a quality education.

                        i think this is a test. the teacher will be able to know who will be the "problem parents" by the responses she gets. the parents who take this "assignment" seriously actually care about the education of their kids.
                        the ones who don't, she will know to expect stupid calls/emails from them because their kid is failing and want to blame the teacher and not their own kid.

                        i would handily spend a few minutes to fill something like that and return it to the teacher with zero complaint. a teacher isnt 100% responsible for a kid learning material. they present the material and the kid either takes learns it or they do not. the teacher assigns homework. the kids either do it or they do not. if they dont ever do any homework and fail, that is not the teachers fault. its the kids and the parents' fault and nobody elses.

                        ok im off my soapbox.
                        That is not teaching.

                        Originally posted by SSMAN
                        ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by stevo View Post
                          I may have been too critical about a new teacher (new to the school even), but I have a clear memory of the last few years. Our youngest child has bad handwriting, the teachers in the beginning dismissed it because he is left-handed, some tried to force him to write right-handed which only worsened the issue. Now, he is behind where he should be. Silly shit like this reduces my optimism.

                          FYI, they have not taught handwriting in schools in years, but thankfully it appears it is actually coming back into the curriculum.
                          Token Split Tail

                          Originally posted by slow99
                 favorite female poster strikes again.
                          Originally posted by Pokulski-Blatz
                          You are a moron .... you were fucking with the most powerful vagina on DFW(MU)stangs.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Leah View Post
                            FYI, they have not taught handwriting in schools in years, but thankfully it appears it is actually coming back into the curriculum.
                            Odd, considering we have been to three teacher-parent conferences in the last two years to discuss it.

                            Originally posted by SSMAN
                            ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


                            • #59
                              Interesting approach from the teacher. It actually looks good to see a teacher trying to see what to expect from the parent and child. I'm coming up on 50,000 posts. You think I would pass up an opportunity to speak my mind? LOL


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by stevo View Post
                                Odd, considering we have been to three teacher-parent conferences in the last two years to discuss it.

                                I'm just stating that actual 'handwriting' is not part of the curriculum and hasn't been 'taught' in years. When I was in grade school, we actually practiced and had lessons on how to write-they didn't do that for quite some time afterwards, but it appears that it is part of elem. curriculum now.

                                That is not to say that when a teacher notices that there is a severe discrepancy, they put interventions or extra help in place. I'm just saying it wasn't something they taught. Have they looked at your son possibly having dysgraphia?
                                Token Split Tail

                                Originally posted by slow99
                       favorite female poster strikes again.
                                Originally posted by Pokulski-Blatz
                                You are a moron .... you were fucking with the most powerful vagina on DFW(MU)stangs.

