Maybe this teacher would like to know if the parents are literate at home...
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First day back to school, teacher sends homework home for parents
Originally posted by Frank View PostThe teacher is probably hoping to gauge what parents are really committed. Chances are most won't do anything or half-ass it. Not like she told you to write X number of words or pages. Keep it short and simple, but sounds like a great opportunity to explain something about your kid she might not know otherwise. Sounds like a caring teacher to me.
Did y'all show up to the teacher/parent open house before the school year started?"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government"
-- Thomas Jefferson, 1 Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334
Originally posted by stevo View PostThat makes me giggle, as I haven't seen a teacher that actually gives a shit in many years.
I am not sending her anything, she can give me an F.
StevoCongrats for living up to expectations!
Originally posted by Frank View PostThe teacher is probably hoping to gauge what parents are really committed. Chances are most won't do anything or half-ass it. Not like she told you to write X number of words or pages. Keep it short and simple, but sounds like a great opportunity to explain something about your kid she might not know otherwise. Sounds like a caring teacher to me.Token Split Tail
Originally posted by favorite female poster strikes again.Originally posted by Pokulski-BlatzYou are a moron .... you were fucking with the most powerful vagina on DFW(MU)stangs.
Dear Teacher,
This August I am entrusting to your care a very special person, my child. I am sending him to be educated. Trusting that you in your wisdom will draw out a great education for our children.
His mom
P.S. We're not gonna be writing essays
Originally posted by Frank View Post...and yet we wonder why we're in the shape we're in.
Hell, I normally wouldn't have an issue with a teacher asking us to write a little something describing our kids, but I am not doing shit when they send a litter stating 'You, the parents of XXXXX have homework in the form of an essay, it is due by Wednesday'. It sounds to me like an arrogant asshole teacher.
StevoOriginally posted by SSMAN...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.
Originally posted by Leah View PostI love cooperative and committed parents! Good for you for showing her how much you are willing to be involved in your child's education. She's probably doing it to weed you guys out right off the bat.Congrats for living up to expectations!
StevoOriginally posted by SSMAN...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.
You think that's bad? This is our first grader's opening letter to the parents.
Dear Parents,
Welcome to the wonderful world of first grade! I know that you are anxious to help your child take those first steps to becoming a fluent reader. To help you do this, I will be sending home weekly reading assignments. This is a parent-child project that your child cannot do alone. Here's how it works:
yada yada yada. We'll make sure to dumb down your child bullshit, but wait for the really herp-derp part....
.... At the beginning of the year, you may have to do all of the writing.
What happened to the requirement of being able to read, write, and tie your shoes to graduate kindergarten?
SHE finished her entire week's lesson plan in 10 minutes. She even read the note to the parents and giggled at the "ridiculousity" of it all.
I included a note to request a more difficult lesson plan. Hopefully, we will get lucky.
In case anyone wants to look into this weak lesson plan, it is the "Week-by-week homework for building reading comprehension and fluency: Grade 1". It is published by scholastic teaching resources.
I'm seriously disgusted with what our children are subjected to for a learning experience. This is by no means a jab at teachers.
"Deer teechur,
My little Bubba is the nysest kid in the wide wurld. he would never hert a fly. if he is ever meen to any uthr kids its becuz he hasnt had his ouly cheezbergers. if you dont give him 2 chheezbergers every our he wil git reel meen and maybe ever bite anuther kids eer off. he also dont like to be told wut to do wen heez hungry. so yew best not get in his way or hes lybul to bite you on tha tiddy. juss make shur hes fed reel reglar and hes a purfekt anjul.
That should take care of it. Feel free to paste in your own name."It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."
Originally posted by kbscobravert View PostIn all seriousness, I would rather discuss my child and his school year over a cup of coffee before class.
Threads like this and the ticket nazi's are really making me rethink flushing my wife's birth control pills next month.
Dear Random teacher,
I have completed my essay describing my child, however you will notice that he is not turning it in just yet. I am sending my child back with some homework for you. I would like you to write an essay about my child, you can have some extra time to complete yours. At the end of the semester, we can swap and compare notes.
Concerned parent.
I'm just going to throw this out for everyone.
You can thank your legislature and government for mandating what teachers have to do and teach. We are getting less and less freedom to be creative in lesson plans and are often times 'given' what we will do. This is getting worse every year and with the new 'STARR' test that is replacing TAKS, it's going to be worse.
Try not to take it out on them, but recognize that it comes from the top, down.
I am not saying there aren't bad teachers out there, because there are-this is just an FYI...Token Split Tail
Originally posted by favorite female poster strikes again.Originally posted by Pokulski-BlatzYou are a moron .... you were fucking with the most powerful vagina on DFW(MU)stangs.
Originally posted by Broncojohnny View PostI would describe how my child is bitter because he is being robbed by a society that steals money from his pockets and gives it to local school districts that couldn't educate a monkey on how to throw its own shit at a chalkboard.
I'm seriously looking into what I have to do to get them all in private school. You guys should see how children in Trinidad and Tobago get educated.
We are ruining our children in America.