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Law Enforcement members

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  • #16
    I've heard that campus police for University of Texas and Texas A&M have jurisdiction anywhere in Texas, as those schools have presence in every Texas county.
    When the government pays, the government controls.


    • #17
      Originally posted by 46Tbird View Post
      I've heard that campus police for University of Texas and Texas A&M have jurisdiction anywhere in Texas, as those schools have presence in every Texas county.
      Same with hospital police. They have jurisdiction over any county that there is a hospital in it.


      • #18
        Originally posted by GSXR_Mike View Post
        DUH!! No one is a higher rank than Chuck!!


        • #19
          Originally posted by ELVIS View Post
          paladin. there is none higher

          god bless.
          And if you don't believe us, just ask him!
          Originally posted by Broncojohnny
          HOORAY ME and FUCK YOU!


          • #20
            you need to get back to work if you had time to debate this.
            am I missing anything?

            While a game warden may be king of taking your truck and guns in the woods, the ATF or local FBI office could declare you a domestic terrorist and lock you away as a homeland security threat


            • #21
              Depending on the crime/situation and which agency claims authority (or incident command).It's not like on TV where FBI walk in and tell the uniforms to get back while they take over. There is a lot of shared work and decisions are made by the agencies' administrations as to which is covering what. Until then, usually the tree that jwalk quoted holds command, unless something is set up and in progress then it will be diverted back to the ties to figure out.

              As far as jurisdiction goes... my commission was for the State of Texas, not a municipality. I worked for a municipality and was paid through that municipality, but I guarantee you that while I held that commission and effected an arrest anywhere within MY state, I would be able to make it hold in court. In all reality, I would just stop an immediate threat and hold that threat until an representative of that area of responsibility takes control of that threat... with me ending up in court as well. Stupid subpoenas.

              BTW, Jurisdiction of the colleges do warrant an officer of that campus to cover it as their area of responsibility. UT and A&M have every county. (To put that rumor to rest)

