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West Memphis 3 may be exonerated

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  • #31
    I find it odd that in 18 years of them being imprisoned, not one story surfaced from any party admitting that they did it and got away with it.

    With (probably) more than one suspect, I find this very unlikely.


    • #32
      What the hell more evidence you need. The Guy pulled his teeth to keep from getting caught. This sick fuck obviously did it. You can even tell by his over reactionist behavior.


      • #33
        so did the three get any money upon release?


        • #34
          Originally posted by scootro View Post
          so did the three get any money upon release?
          I am sure they got the change from their books and that is it. They were forced to enter a quilty plea to accept the deal. A guilty plea means that the state was in the right to imprison them for the past 20 years. I can hear the State now "you said you were guilty".
          Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


          • #35
            Originally posted by kbscobravert View Post
            I am sure they got the change from their books and that is it. They were forced to enter a quilty plea to accept the deal. A guilty plea means that the state was in the right to imprison them for the past 20 years. I can hear the State now "you said you were guilty".
            i bet they have received some money offers for more interviews and book deals! oh and i forgot they probably had some money left from those HBO documentaries


            • #36
              Originally posted by scootro View Post
              so did the three get any money upon release?
              I doubt they will from the state due to their plea agreement, I'm sure that's part of the reason why they went that way. If the state doesn't accept any guilt for time spent they don't have to pay. Due to new evidence I would have pushed for a new trial for that pay day. A local here in oklahoma got millions for spending like 20 something years in prision. One of the first things he did was come to the dealership I worked at and bought 3 cars...


              • #37
                Originally posted by onemeangixxer7502 View Post
                I doubt they will from the state due to their plea agreement, I'm sure that's part of the reason why they went that way. If the state doesn't accept any guilt for time spent they don't have to pay. Due to new evidence I would have pushed for a new trial for that pay day. A local here in oklahoma got millions for spending like 20 something years in prision. One of the first things he did was come to the dealership I worked at and bought 3 cars...

                That money will soon be gone and he will be back to sucking off the taxpayers in one form or another.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
                  That money will soon be gone and he will be back to sucking off the taxpayers in one form or another.
                  yah I was going to add I wonder how long it will be before he's broke. Like basket ball players and stuff. I imagine back in prison, recidivism rate here in ok is like 86%


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
                    I find it odd that in 18 years of them being imprisoned, not one story surfaced from any party admitting that they did it and got away with it.

                    With (probably) more than one suspect, I find this very unlikely.
                    After my dad quit the Detroit PD we moved to Memphis and that towns PD makes the DPD look like a bunch of angles. Our neighbor and my dads best friend was a Lt with them. It would not surprise me in the least if a detective on the case took maters into his own hands and killed the real perps after the first ones were sent away. They are old school corrupt and mean there.
                    Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.


                    • #40
                      I'm surprised how quiet this has been all things considered. I have been following this case for years, I know Echols was on his last appeal and it was wasn't looking good even with the complete lack of evidence and WITH the Hobbs DNA found on the rope at the scene.

                      I have seen both HBO docs as well as bunch of other testimony from the trials. Byers is a nut, I was convinced he had something to do with it after the first HBO doc and was really surprised at the turn around in his demeaor by the second one. The lack of follow up with Hobbs blows my mind as does the fact that now, the mom/ex wife now says that he 'may' have had something to do with it yet looking back she was burning the WM3 at the stake.

                      SO many crazy things with this case, the lack of blood at the scene, the bloody guy in the bathroom, no weapons... it just goes on and on. Its gut wrenching to listed to the police bait and corner Misskelly into that confession. It nowhere near matched the scene or timeline!

                      I was very struck by a fairly recent interview with Echols, how he comes across as intelligent and patient and does not reflect the bitterness he surely feels especially looking back at how he conducted himself during his trial. What a douche! I loved it when he admitted to being a complete idiot when he was asked about his behavior. lol @ "you didnt really help yourself there did you!?"

                      I wish them the best...


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Special K View Post
                        I have seen both HBO docs as well as bunch of other testimony from the trials. Byers is a nut, I was convinced he had something to do with it after the first HBO doc and was really surprised at the turn around in his demeaor by the second one. The lack of follow up with Hobbs blows my mind as does the fact that now, the mom/ex wife now says that he 'may' have had something to do with it yet looking back she was burning the WM3 at the stake.
                        Guy certainly has a screw loose. Removing his teeth and lying about the timeline certainly looks bad.

                        Originally posted by Special K View Post
                        SO many crazy things with this case, the lack of blood at the scene, the bloody guy in the bathroom, no weapons... it just goes on and on. Its gut wrenching to listed to the police bait and corner Misskelly into that confession. It nowhere near matched the scene or timeline!
                        Yeah, you can find it on youtube. They are telling him what to say fixing "his" story to match theirs as they go along.

                        Originally posted by Special K View Post
                        I was very struck by a fairly recent interview with Echols, how he comes across as intelligent and patient and does not reflect the bitterness he surely feels especially looking back at how he conducted himself during his trial. What a douche! I loved it when he admitted to being a complete idiot when he was asked about his behavior. lol @ "you didnt really help yourself there did you!?"

                        I wish them the best...
                        How incompetent was his defense attorney? Telling the truth and being himself wasn't going to get him out of this, that's why he's on trial in the first place. This small town was itching to fry a couple weirdos.
                        US Politics in three words - Divide and Conquer


                        • #42
                          Remember when Byer's wide passed way suspiciously or when he gave the HBO film crew that knife with the blood on it!!!! As crazy is he is, Hobbs is my best guess for person of interest. With his DNA and denial he was with the boys earlier even though 3 neighbors confirmed over wise AND said was angry with this kids.

                          The trials were like the Witch Trials, a lot of ignorant very upset people looking for closure, After the first HBO doc, I admit I hated Echols but still didn't see this insane satan worshiper. LMFAO @ Miskelly asking someone who "SATIN" was when he saw the pics of "satan" grafitti.!!!!


                          • #43
                            I didn't really know much about this case until I watched the Paradise Lost series on HBO. This was pretty damn interesting. The complete incompetence of that police department was astounding. How did they not question Hobbs and all his neighbors? Pretty sad story here. 3 boys are killed, and 3 more boys lives are completely ruined on false acquisations.

                            I can't believe they decided to plee guilty but if it was me, I would have probably done the same if it guaranteed my freedom. I wonder how well their lives will go on with that murder charge on their record.


                            • #44
                              Another thing, Hobbs needs to explain how witnesses have claimed he was with the kids the day off, and he claims he never saw the kids that day. That might be the key to the whole case.


                              • #45
                                That whole area is complete trailer trash. No accounts of what happened can be taken seriously. I wouldn't be surprised if the entire town was in on the murders...

