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West Memphis 3 may be exonerated

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  • #61
    Originally posted by roliath View Post
    Are you posting from your phone Special K? Did a pit bull bite your hands is that why there are so many spelling errors?
    lol in all honesty I was working and attempting to type at the same time and really could care less about spell check on here sometimes.

    I am confident in my ability to know the difference between they're, there and their as well as the proper usage of each so it is all good in my world.


    • #62
      Originally posted by Special K View Post
      lol in all honesty I was working and attempting to type at the same time and really could care less about spell check on here sometimes.
      I am confident in my ability to know the difference between they're, there and their as well as the proper usage of each so it is all good in my world.
      he is just jelly because your boobs are bigger than his.

