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AT&T ain't so bad...

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  • AT&T ain't so bad...

    I went ahead and paid my cell phone bill this past month, which was over double what I normally see ($170 versus $80).

    This billing period was for the time I spent in Mexico so I expected it to be a little high, but over double? Before I left, I even spent the five bucks to get a special Mexico discount plan. So I got online and checked out the charges, and there were some mysterious roaming charges that totalled $86.

    After a five-minute call to their customer service department, they gave me a "one time courtesy credit" of $95. Sweet!
    When the government pays, the government controls.

  • #2
    ATT wants to mAke the customer happy


    • #3

      I'm switching to AT&T uverse after baseball season.


      • #4
        I had a very similar experience with AT&T. I looked at my account before I went to Namibia last year and it looked like my plan would cover most of the roaming fees. I got a text from them on my 3rd or 4th day there saying that they had locked my account down due to excessive roaming charges and to call them to get more info. When I called they told me my roaming charges for the 3 or 4 days there were around $700!!! I surfed the web during most of the 2 hour ride from the airport to the hunting camp and that alone was over $200!! I ended up convincing them to give me the 1 time credit and then had them temporally switch me to a plan where future use would be covered. About 3 days later I get another text saying my account was locked down again. I called and the person that I'd previously spoken to had issued the credit, but failed to switch the plan which lead to another $400 in charges. They realized it was their mistake and issued another credit. It turned out okay, but I about fell out of my hunting blond when I called the first time and heard I had that much in roaming charges!!!


        • #5
          did he just say he was hunting blond?
          Fernando Perez
          Alijandra Perez
          Mesquite, Texas


          • #6
            Thanks to ATT and their brilliant idea to charge extra for tethering we got our account canceled for no charge and now have EVO 4G's that blow away the iphones. Yay! Also costs us 100 less a month



            • #7
              i have been with ATT for 7 years with my phone. they did kinda fuck me over when i was in the military but it all got worked out. i had Verizon before and hated them but i loved the fact that Verizon gets service anywhere.
              Last edited by Blackout; 08-18-2011, 01:22 PM.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Mike View Post

                I'm switching to AT&T uverse after baseball season.
                We have it and love it.
                G'Day Mate


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Blackout View Post
                  i have been with ATT for 7 years with my phone. they did kinda fuck me over when i was in the military but it all got worked out. i had version before and hated them but i loved the fact that version gets service anywhere.
                  Who the heck is version? Auto correct much?
                  Rachel McAdams nude pics


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by mustang_marc View Post
                    Who the heck is version? Auto correct much?



                    • #11
                      Originally posted by tribaltalon View Post
                      Thanks to ATT and their brilliant idea to charge extra for tethering we got our account canceled for no charge and now have EVO 4G's that blow away the iphones. Yay! Also costs us 100 less a month

                      Evo 4g better how??

                      Battery Hog
                      Can't surf and talk at same time
                      No built in iPod
                      What else???


                      • #12
                        Uhm you can surf and talk at the same time with an Evo.

                        Is anyone having 4g issues with Sprint at the moment??? My Evo can't seem to find it. It's been like this all day.
                        Originally posted by talisman
                        I wonder if there will be a new character that specializes in bjj and passive agressive comebacks?
                        Originally posted by AdamLX
                        If there was, I wouldn't pick it because it would probably just keep leaving the game and then coming back like nothing happened.
                        Originally posted by Broncojohnny
                        Because fuck you, that's why
                        Originally posted by 80coupe
                        nice dick, Idrivea4banger
                        Originally posted by Rick Modena
                        ......and idrivea4banger is a real person.
                        Originally posted by Jester
                        Man ive always wanted to smoke a bowl with you. Just seem like a cool cat.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by 01vnms4v View Post
                          Evo 4g better how??

                          Battery Hog
                          Can't surf and talk at same time
                          No built in iPod
                          What else???

                          I dont know about you, but i dont surf and talk on my phone at the same time.

                          Yes, its a battery hog, i dont care, and plus they do make 3500mhz batteries which give it far more battery life.

                          ok, it doesnt have an ipod but it does have a music player. serves the same purpose.

                          The graphic interface is far better with the evo in my eyes. Paying 100 dollars less a month for better service, faster phones/internet/data is a win all by itself for me. Have you owned an evo 4g? I've had iphone 3gs, and iphone 4 and neither one had anywhere near the capabilities of the evo, even jailbroken. *shrug* If you're not a geek then the simple narrow minded structure of the iphone works great, but i like having a much more open framework.



                          • #14
                            Originally posted by tribaltalon View Post
                            I've had iphone 3gs, and iphone 4 and neither one had anywhere near the capabilities of the evo, even jailbroken. *shrug* If you're not a geek then the simple narrow minded structure of the iphone works great, but i like having a much more open framework.
                            Hahaa. I love the elitist bullshit from the anti-iPhone Android people. That attitude is so funny, as if anybody gives a dick that your phone has wifi tethering. It's like religion for you people.
                            When the government pays, the government controls.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by 46Tbird View Post
                              Hahaa. I love the elitist bullshit from the anti-iPhone Android people. That attitude is so funny, as if anybody gives a dick that your phone has wifi tethering. It's like religion for you people.
                              Total domination!

